by Tony Hudson, Stevensville
I’m a third generation Montana married for 30 years and a father of five. I was raised and baptized in the Episcopal Church and have a firm belief in my Christian faith. I am writing this letter in regards to the most recent upheaval over the replacement of Ravalli County House District 87 Representative Ron Marshall.
First, a huge thank you to all of the elected members of the RCRCC, whose participation in the Thursday and Friday night meetings resulted in the same three nominees being submitted to the county commissioners. One would think this would bring this matter to a close. Not so much.
Even as I write this letter, vicious and soul wounding attacks on my fellow RCRCC members are unrelenting. These attacks are demeaning and dehumanizing and ultimately insight violence against those we disagree with. Worse, much of this has been done in the name of religion. It is bad enough to make a mockery of our politics, but to do the same of our religion, our Christian faith, is despicable! I can only believe that our community, our state, our country, are better than this.
As I searched for words to write this letter, I believe it is important to understand the separate values of culture, wisdom, and knowledge, knowing that wisdom always trumps knowledge and glorifies culture. When segments of society are reacting or practicing religion in a tribal, national or political sense, invariably groups outside of this are viewed almost as being subhuman, thus justifying the disrespect of others. I believe true religion is requisite of a code of conduct forever reacting to life‘s situation. Religion is the process of positive thinking, feeling and listening, but most of all acting reverently without exception towards your fellow man, your community, your country, and all things worthy of universal adoration. Without the desire to explore undiscovered realities, ideas and values, we have no religion, no God. I believe true religion employs all of the aforementioned to achieve spiritual attainment. Far too often we are found, shaping our God to our heart, searching for biblical references for political speeches, regardless of context, adorning ourselves in religious symbols with supreme righteousness, on full display. I believe this self delusion can only end in dismal failure, as societies will become immature and resort to the simple urges of existence rather than the art of higher living. I would suggest that for true religion one must shape their heart to our God, Jesus Christ.
I would like to close this letter by reminding voters that this country, and these political parties, belong to you. You are the guard rails of our society and everyone of you is greater than you know! God bless you all, and God bless this great country, the United States of America.
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