by Don Gardner, Corvallis
My friends and neighbors, we need to wake up! There is a hostile, unconstitutional, illegal takeover of our country happening before our eyes. Our president is attempting to do away with our beloved democratic representative republic and replace it with an authoritarian style government run by him and the billionaire class. He is purging the government of anyone who would speak out against him or report any of his illegal activities. Once all critics (prosecutors, judges, inspectors general, military leaders, etc.) are gone, he and his wealthy friends will be free to use the government, not for the good of the people, but to enrich themselves.
President Trump doesn’t care about you! Don’t be fooled. He cares only about his own wealth and power. Your elected representatives (Senators Daines and Sheehy and Representative Zinke) are saying and doing nothing to safeguard our constitution and country. Let them know that you expect them to do their jobs. They and the president swore to protect the constitution. They are not keeping that oath. All of us need to speak out! For generations, our fellow citizens fought and died to protect our form of government. We can’t stand by quietly while it is destroyed.
Alan says
lol. Silly.