by Linda Schmitt, Corvallis
Veterans, farmers, teachers, charity workers, federal workers, non-profit helpers – any who voted for Trump: Is your life better yet?? How many grants are “frozen,” government-speak for “not gonna get it.” You have my deep sympathy if your job, income or benefits are threatened.
But you voted for this thief, who steals your way of life and then gives trillions to his wealthy pals. You rejected the Democrats, who actually care about your livelihood. Yes, I understand you got outraged about culture issues, but you missed the point. You missed the realization that to the Democrats, your life actually matters.
Instead you bought the baloney from the Republicans. Don’t bother going hat in hand to Gianforte. He’s got millions squirreled away – from those interest bearing accounts he’s shielded from scrutiny. He wants, instead, to bestow our treasure on his pals. No sympathy there. I’m sorry if bad things happened to you. Next time, check the Democrat box. You’ll be better off.
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