by Tim Adams, Stevensville
If you need proof that Democrats have learned nothing since Trump emerged in 2015, just check the Star’s latest letters page, where local drones dutifully parrot talking points, calling Trump and Elon Musk Nazis. It’s clear Democrats have abandoned progressive values in favor of name-calling and power games.
You’d think a party controlling major institutions—courts, media, entertainment, education—would focus on improving life for average Americans instead of engaging in petty, middle-school insults. But you’d be wrong. Many of these Boomers regurgitate MSNBC talking points just to see their name in print while ignoring the distrust they’ve sown by abusing these institutions for political power.
Democrats are so ideologically rigid they’ve failed to notice progressives like Joe Rogan, Tulsi Gabbard, and RFK Jr. jumping ship from their corporately controlled, warmongering party. This coalition of disillusioned progressives helped Trump secure another term. Even as their own party embraces once-hated figures like Dick Cheney and Marc Racicot, they refuse to question the narratives handed to them. Meanwhile, leaders like Trump and Gianforte are implementing some of the most progressive policies in a generation—earning public support while Democrats attack them instead of backing beneficial reforms.
Ironically, local Ravalli Republicans scream if anyone dares question the state Constitution passed in 1972 by a Democratic governor and legislature. That governor, Forrest Anderson, saw his greatest achievement as consolidating and shrinking government, reducing 161 entities to just 19 agencies. By today’s Democratic standards, he’d be labeled a Nazi simply for streamlining government and increasing transparency.
I’m especially disappointed by the fearmongering from groups like the Ravalli Fish and Wildlife Association. Since when did government jobs become a lifelong guarantee of cushy pay and benefits? When only 6% of federal employees even show up to the office full-time—while earning twice the salary and vastly better benefits than their private-sector counterparts—taxpayers deserve an explanation beyond “Republicans who want to cut spending are mean.”
According to the state Office of Public Instruction, only 44.19% of Montana public school students read at grade level, and just 38.74% are proficient in math—yet Montanans continue paying up to 70% of their rising property taxes to fund these failing schools. Where are the progressives demanding accountability for taxpayer dollars? Too busy funneling union dues into political attacks to care about students’ futures, apparently.
Last year, Jon Tester outspent his opponent nearly 4 to 1—$96 million to $27 million—and still lost. Kamala Harris outspent Trump nationally nearly 3 to 1—$997 million to $388 million—and also lost. Democrats had no issue with billionaire-backed spending when it benefited them, so their complaints now ring hollow. When Obama left office, the national budget was $3.9 trillion; under Biden, it was $6.7 trillion. Are we really supposed to believe an extra $3 trillion a year is entirely necessary, immune from cuts, and above scrutiny? Democrats should be leading the charge for transparency and spending reductions, not abandoning their former values to enrich corporate donors and public-sector union bosses.
If any regular person handled money as recklessly as Democrats, they’d be penniless. If Democrats returned to true progressive values instead of serving as mouthpieces for the wealthy, I’d welcome it. But until they take a hard look at the taxpayer money they waste while hypocritically screaming about “DEMOCRACY!” don’t expect them to win anywhere they haven’t already gerrymandered Republicans out of contention.
Alan says
Mr Adams your common sense reasoning does not fit into the vibe of this forum. This space is largely dedicated to the local kook left as a platform for lies, half truths and general TDS rants, and has long served the rest of us a place for comedic relief. This is no place for well thought out letters.