by Dallas Erickson, Stevensville
It has been interesting to see how you, the local media, cover Harris Himes and his sheltering of people who would probably be homeless without his help.
The only time you do a story on his work and mission is when there is some legal challenge or some claim that he is not following the law.
He provides housing for up to 65 people at one time. Since he is a veteran, I imagine many of those people or families are also veterans. And probably a lot more than 10 vets that Missoula recently bragged about finding housing for.
I would like to know how many people he has ministered to through his housing over the years since 1997. Also, could you interview some of the people he has provided shelter to?
Others who were trying to set up homeless shelters in the valley got lots of attention to their efforts that sadly must have failed. But Harris, who is presently providing homes for many people, gets no positive attention from our local media, newspapers, TV or radio. That is embarrassing given the extent of his help to many.