by Archie L. Thomas & Merry Schrumpf, Corvallis
Attention, Americans, Democrats, Republicans, Independents, Libertarians, MAGA, NON MAGA, informed, uninformed voters, nonvoters and anybody not mentioned with a heart beat. “We’ve been had” by the “attention” media, its owners, their money and 48.8% of American voters not recognizing this presidential election “con.”
The Republican party remains in name only and uses DEI as a diversion while illegally commandeering the federal treasury; the Democrats discuss which binary person should be on the Democrat National Committee and explain Corona beer and avocados while Trump pisses off the world with tariffs and proposes genocide in Gaza as an American funded real estate development.
Character in a president matters! Character in Congress matters! Congress has become a neutered yes man rather than controller of the American purse, originator of laws and the third leg of our democracy. Convicted felons are freely pardoned in our country; we are to pay for future felons to be housed in El Salvador while we further offer to pay any federal worker until September for no work based on the whim of unelected “What the Musk”? All Americans’ personal data and tax dollars are now under control of unelected billionaire Musk. Character of America matters!
What the hell does any of this have to do with good governance? If you are not concerned about this state of affairs, please check for your pulse; if pulse present, grab your keyboard, phone, pen, pencil or any lawful means of communication or action and raise “hell.”
Call Senator Daines (202) 224-2651, Representative Zinke (202) 225-5628, Tim Sheehy(202)-224-2644, Troy Downing,(202) 225-3211
Tracy says
These letters are just fun to read!
Dale says
Who is the real leader? No one seems to know. I guess it doesn’t matter to some people.
Mike Mercer says
When you surround yourself with Alpha personalities, as Trump has, it can be confusing to the uninitiated to grasp the dynamics being displayed. These are big leaguers, they all know Trump is the Boss Dog….even if the armchair quarterbacks out there don’t.
Kevin says
A real Leader elected, a real Leader in action!! When was the last time your sleepy slouch (Biden) got on TV and conducted business in front of our citizens?
Mike Mercer says
Odd you should mention good governance, as transparency is a large part of that. Perhaps it is the fact that you can actually now see what is going on that bothers you….seeing how the sausage is made, so to speak.
Linda Schmitt says
Archie & Merry,
Another great letter. What’s unimaginable is now being normalized by the persistently uninformed MAGA cult, who have fingers in their ears shouting “La la la la.”
Hug a Democrat. We’re the minority but not for long. We’re keeping book. But there’s little satisfaction in “I told you so” when friends’ income drops, groceries cost more and people truly face hard times. If you’re not worried now, check your pulse.
Kevin says
when friends’ income drops, groceries cost more and people truly face hard times. If you’re not worried now, check your pulse
Been there had it happen for the past 4 years!! My pulse is revived!!
Bill Cavanaugh says
You’re completely Delirious, Un-informed and brainwashed. Also, you’re love affair with government corruption is showing.