by Linda Schmitt, Corvallis
To all those who proudly voted for Trump, a heads-up. Already people in the Valley are losing jobs due to his Executive Orders. Others are already searching for new jobs because their jobs are threatened. These are not immigrants, mind you. These are dyed in the wool Bitterrooters. You forgot, didn’t you, that the federal government sends Montana money – more than we send it in taxes? Those monies become jobs once they get here.
But Trump and his shadow president Elon Musk have bigger ideas. Acquire Greenland, annex Canada, rename the Gulf of Mexico? Your favorite kitchen table issues, talked about it for years! Never mind about jobs, groceries or housing. Be so proud when your neighbors’ adult children show up at the food bank. Move over, Grandma. They need housing.
Recessions and Depressions are real. Get ready.
Bill LaCroix says
What a pile of trolls. You all demonstrably-deserve what you got with musk/trump. Problem is all of us to the left of hitler are getting what you deserve too. That’s the rub you all can’t seem to get, so just pile on with 3rd-grade-bully quality insults. sad.
Alan says
The “rub” as you call it is just a manifestation of being on the losing side. It’s been a long time coming to purge the bureaucratic swamp and folks really are not interested in what the whining leftist have to say anymore. That’s the real rub isn’t it?
Mike Miller says
The hypocrisy of you deriding people using “3rd-grade-bully quality insults” as you do exactly that is lost upon you.
Mike Miller says
Linda claims local people have lost their jobs because of a political decision in D.C. then claims she won’t say who lost their jobs because the people who lost their jobs would be attacked. I can’t imagine someone being attacked for losing their job locally because of a political decision in D.C.
Sounds like some Chicken Little silliness to me.
Linda, if you read this, feel free to provide some basic factual info: which executive order, what company/ies are being affected, etc. If what you’re claiming is actually true and you have FACTS, this is a news story (that would help your point).
I’ve never heard of a Bitterrooter being ostracized by other Bitterrooters because of a D.C. political decision; but if I’m missing something, Linda, I welcome factually sourced corrections.
Until then, Linda, this sounds like some Chicken Little silliness to me. I look forward to you correcting my opinion on this, and solidifying your name/cause in the valley… with sourced facts.
Alan says
The bitterroot star doesn’t need a comics page, we have an opinion page that is more then sufficient.
Mike Miller says
LOL! Touché, Mr Alan!
Clair B says
Yes, TDS is wonderfully delicious!
Clair B says
So Linda, that would be “I cannot tell you as I just made that up as I hate Trump more than I love my country”, then?
Tracy says
Name ONE!
Linda Schmitt says
And expose these people to your attacks?? Don’t think so.
Clair B says
Hey Linda – who is losing their jobs? Can you name someone or did CNN tell you that?
Just think a few facts might help your cause.
Linda Schmitt says
See above.
Edward J Gannon says
Sure could use some of your “hot air” with the current weather…LOL