by Jean Schurman, Class of 1972, Victor
Last week I had the pleasure of judging students involved in the Victor History Day. The theme of the projects was Rights and Responsibilities. The eighth graders have been studying U.S. History while the 10th grade studied World History. Projects ranged from studies of Wyatt Earp to child labor in the factories in the East and coal mining for the eighth graders. World history projects ranged from a 9-minute documentary on human experimentation in Nazi Germany, to the Tuskegee Airmen study of syphilis and the atrocities of the Vietnam war.
The students presented their projects, showed how they researched and answered questions regarding their studies. Their teacher, Ms. Meyers, is to be commended for encouraging this project and not shying away from tough subjects. The students were excited to present and handled themselves very well.
Thank you, Victor School.