The Montana Department of Natural Resources and Conservations Southwestern Land Office Hamilton Unit is in the preliminary process of developing a hazardous fuels reduction east of Corvallis off Soft Rock Road near Coal Pit Creek. The purpose of the project is to mitigate fuels within the Wildland Urban Interface. The proposal would treat approximately 86 acres. Trees would be individually selected for removal to increase crown spacing to a minimum of 10 feet for trees less than 8 inches in diameter. Larger overstory trees will not be removed. Slash would be masticated or piled and burned.
The legal description is: T7N, R20W, Sec. 36.
The land is State Trust land with high recreational use and traffic. The Department is seeking comments from interested parties. Please direct written comments/questions to:
Dan McConnell
DNRC Hamilton Unit
P.O. Box 713
Hamilton, MT 59840
BS 2-5, 2-12, 2-19, 2-26-25.