by Marilyn Wolff, Stevensville
Elon Musk is an unelected billionaire immigrant from South Africa and yet he was illegally given recent access to the $6 trillion US Treasury Payment System which processes and pays Social Security, Medicare benefits, tax refunds, civil service salaries, grants and much more that is congressionally approved funding. Musk is part of an unofficial Department of Government Efficiency which was not appointed by Congress.
I’m in my 70’s, retired,and very concerned that Musk and his young hacker team have created the biggest data breach in history obtaining Americans’ personal and private information plus banking and tax data. I’m now really worried that Social Security and Medicare are in jeopardy. Musk has strong business ties with China. The deed is done, now the question is, how will Americans’ private information be protected?
I suggest contacting your elected officials to make your concerns known as I have.
WMA says
Here I was feeling a little positive that you were concerned about the helpless children, from your perspective, being herded north into our country to be abused as slaves or worse. Silly me.
You are apparently just angry they are here at all.
The ugly truth is that when these juvenile refugees cross into our country they are the most safe they have ever been.
I am glad they are here.
The question is, why are you not?
WMA says
I also Googled what you did. Not that many sources to sift through.
The 300,000 figure originated with Trump and was amplified by his border thug Homan.
Fact checks tell a different story. From CBS News:
But immigration experts tell CBS News these claims are misleading and misrepresent government data. Additionally, they say while some unaccompanied minors have become victims of trafficking or other crimes, the government safely releases most of these children to vetted sponsors — often a family member — while their immigration cases play out.
Mike Miller says
I googled it again. I didn’t count how many there are, but for my search, the second one listed was by BBC dated Nov 26, 2024. I’d happily supply supply the link directly, but for some unexplained reason by the editor Victoria, she doesn’t know why, and she “makes the rules around here!”, so I’ll merely copy/paste a bit of the article for you, which I dare you read, and find it for yourself.
It’s titled “Are 300,000 migrant children missing in the US?”
Nine paragraphs down, there’s this: “In his October debate against Minnesota Governor Tim Walz, JD Vance also said that the Department of Homeland Security “effectively lost” a total of 320,000 migrant children.
Concerns over the plight of migrant children were also starkly highlighted earlier this week when authorities in Texas shared an image of a two-year-old girl from El Salvador found at the border clutching a piece of paper with a phone number.”
Shortly below that is this: “Are the children actually missing?
According to immigration experts and attorneys, the claims largely “stem from an August report” from the Department of Homeland Security’s inspector general’s office, which found that 32,000 unaccompanied minors failed to show up for court dates at immigration courts from 2019-23.
The report noted that 291,000 migrant children received no court notices at all. It also called on the US Immigration and Customs Enforcement (Ice) to “take immediate action to ensure the safety” of unaccompanied migrant children in the US.
Migrant children “who do not appear for court are considered at higher risk for trafficking, exploitation, or forced labor”, the inspector general’s office reported.”
“Stem from an August report” in the article itself is a direct link to the Office of the Inspector General, Department of Homeland Security, an article published August 19, 2024 (when biden was still president) and titled “FINAL MANAGEMENT ALERT
Management Alert – ICE Cannot Monitor All Unaccompanied Migrant Children Released from DHS and U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ Custody”.
It says a lot (of course it does, it’s a government report), but the very first paragraph closes with “Specifically, we found ICE cannot always monitor the location and status of unaccompanied migrant children who are released from DHS and HHS custody.” The report goes on with mentions of “Although we identified more than
32,000 UCs who did not appear for their immigration court dates, that number may have been much larger had ICE issued NTAs to the more than 291,000 UCs who were not placed into removal proceedings. By not issuing NTAs to all UCs, ICE limits its chances of having contact with UCs when they are released from HHS’ custody, which reduces opportunities to verify their safety. Without an ability to monitor the location and status of UCs, ICE has no assurance UCs are safe from trafficking, exploitation, or forced labor.
Read that last sentence again, wma. There are hundreds of thousands of unaccompanied illegal children in this country, and Biden allowed it.
It’s laughable, but sad, that you mention CBS as factful, especially in this recent light of the manipulated kamalah interview. I don’t what “immigration experts tell CBS News these claims are misleading and misrepresent government data” you refer to, but I supplied an official report from the DHS itself. You then mention “the government safely releases most of these children to vetted sponsors — often a family member — while their immigration cases play out.” LOL! You really think that, especially after (if you dare to) you read that actual report? Our government doesn’t take care of it’s Veterans when the Veterans beg and scream for it, you think the federal government will chase after mobile illegal aliens who don’t want to get caught and sent back home?
Wake up.
Mark says
Shouldn’t government be audited first, then recommendations made to Congress for area of cuts ? Seems like musk has been given imaginary powers .
Clair B says
Linda….. darling, you have just made my point!
However, I am just dismayed at your lack of compassion and concern for these children. Then again as liberals like you were silent on open borders, I shouldn’t be surprised.
Maybe if Rachel Maddow told you that these were “gender fluid” kids, you would die your hair blue and be out their screaming like a banshee about how much you hate Trump.
Mike Mercer says
If theft or skullduggery was their intent, I am quite certain these young geniuses would not require “access” to Treasury for that.
Clair B says
Marilyn – under Biden over 300,000 children went missing at the border – many were sex trafficked.
Rape was so prevalent, there were charities giving out Depo shots (birth control) to all young girls heading toward the Southern border.
Where was your outrage then?
Funny what liberals are “very concerned” about.
Linda Schmitt says
Clair, how about giving your sources. Otherwise I might think you were making stuff up. Regarding rape. . Migrants started taking birth control pills a month before they left their home countries because of the rapes occuring along their journey. My reference is Soldiers and Kings: Survival and Hope in the World if Human Smuggling by Jason deLeon, a TIME top 10 best nonfiction book of 2024.
Mike Miller says
I googled “under Biden over 300,000 children went missing at the border”. Quite a lot of sources to sift through from all different angles.
It seems you and Clair are arguing about befores/afters. From your POV, it seems a preventive measure is being taken in preparation for a horrible part of life. From Clair’s POV, hers is about kids on the trip. You talk about preventing them, she talks about the ones already existing.
It seems to me that you’re disagreeing with her about her claim of missing children (being smuggled for trafficking purposes), and you use a source that discussing human smuggling to support your disagreement with her? Or am I missing something?