by Dana Henricks, Florence
We need your help. Big time. Steve Daines, Tim Sheehy, Ryan Zinke, and Greg Gianforte don’t give a rat’s butt about what we Montana Democrats think because we didn’t vote for them. All they care about is keeping their cushy government jobs. And to keep their cushy jobs, they have to be careful not to anger you, the Republican voters of Montana who gave them their cushy jobs.
Well, here’s something to get angry about, folks: Billionaire Elon Musk and his team of seven computer coders (who are just 19 to 25 years old; one is still in college!) have illegally taken over the Treasury Department’s payment system. This means they have total control over YOUR data: your social security number; your income tax returns (including your name, address, phone number, email address, and bank account numbers if you do direct deposit with your tax refunds); as well as Medicare and veterans benefits and more.
Musk and his coders are brilliant computer geeks, people. With a few keystrokes on a laptop, they can delay, reduce, or stop the benefits that you earned, deserve, and depend on.Elon Musk is a self-serving, money-grubbing, South African–born billionaire with deep ties to the Chinese government. He has raked in billions of our taxpayer dollars, by way of billion-dollar government contracts for SpaceX.
Supposedly, they are looking for government waste and fraud. Getting rid of waste and fraud is a very good thing. But some say that Musk’s real motive is to turn the Treasury’s payment system into a private PayPal system run by, guess who? Elon Musk, who would skim a fee off the top of every transaction, every social security check, every veterans’ benefit check, every payment from Medicare to your doctor, raking in billions of dollars—our dollars!
But the worst part? Our personal data is of extreme interest to China. This is why Greg Gianforte kicked China-owned TikTok out of Montana: He didn’t want China to have access to Montanans’ data. But who is to say that Musk, one who only cares about making money, won’t sell your data to the Chinese government?
So like I said, we need your help, Republican voters. Please call Senator Steve Daines (202-224-2651); Senator Tim Sheehy (202-224-2644); Representative Ryan Zinke (202-225-5628); Governor Greg Gianforte (406-444-3111); hell, call the White House (Comments: 202-456-1111; Switchboard: 202-456-1414) and leave a message for President Trump. Tell them to “Stop the Steal” of your personal data by billionaire Elon Musk. Thank you.
Helen sabin says
Tim, doesn’t it make you wonder why the Democrats and liberals are so outraged at Trump wanting to save Americans millions if not billions or trillions of dollars of their tax money? They must have more money than most of us do. I personally am delighted that Trump is going after the waste, fraud , and abuse, in the government. I hope Trump and Musk and I say good for them. It is refreshing to see politicians actually do what they promise when they are campaigning.. Could it be that the real problem is Democrats and liberals who yell and scream are having their money flow cut off?
WMA says
If Trump and Musk are interested in cutting so much money in the interest of fiscal responsibility and accountability, why is Trump planning on cutting the taxes of folks like himself and Elon by $4.5 trillion and raising the debt ceiling by $4 trillion? Sounds like the definition of fiscal irresponsibility.
WMA says
Question for critics of this letter:
Why do you trust an unelected non-American and his merry band of economic vandals access to vital data of hundreds of millions of US citizens?
I, for one, don’t.
Mike Mercer says
You do know that Musk has been a citizen for over 20 years…right?
WMA says
So? Still unelected. Still non-American. I did LOVE how he made little Donnie Dumbass look like a naughty child put into timeout at the Resolute Desk. Priceless.
Mike Mercer says
We live in a time where we no longer know what to believe. Science no longer follows its own standards, faith is whatever one declares and debate is like one hand clapping. For the sake of argument let’s say everything goes well for the next four years and we get America under full sail, what then? Are we prepared, as a people, to meet our obligations or will hypocrisy continue rule
So Musk is non “aboriginal”…seems to be a lot of those around here and how many in the executive branch are elected…two? Trump gave Musk and his son their moment and everyone moved on…you should try it.
WMA says
Nice spin. Trump looked emasculated passively sitting at that magnificent desk. I have nothing but disgust for that orange snake.
Tim says
Do yourself a favor and research:
FDR and his “Kitchen Cabinet”
You will find that FDR did pretty much what DOGE is doing!
Clair B says
Hey Dana – thank you for a good laugh this morning.
TDS at its finest.
Tracy says
We applaud him for what he is doing and you should too. This corruption has been going on longer than my 65.5 years of life and it has to STOP. Get on or get off but it is being done for you whether you like it or not and on that they dont care!
Tim says
I doubt you will get much of a conservative voter response to your request. President Trump is doing exactly what he promised throughout his campaign and why he was elected.
If you think DOGE, Musk and his young “crew” have illegally taken over various agencies in the search for deep state graft and etc, think again.
In fact you should research FDR and his KITCHEN CABINET and make the comparison. You will find that FDR pretty much did what DOGE is doing right now. Nothing is illegal and even though there are several TROs from leftist judges, I predict they will not stand the test of an appeals court or SCOTUS – if they even make it that far…
In the mean Trump continues to unleash DOGE and EOs faster than the democrats can respond on various fronts. AND…now The Speaker of the House has come out in favor of the deep state bloodletting and you will now have Congress behind him. The leftist media can’t keep up and has resorted to arm waving and squealing or not printing/showing the real actions going on.
You leftists better buckle up as Trump hasn’t been in office even a month and you have lost every round so far..
And finally, I think you have forgotten that — America’s sh-t filter is full!