by Don Gardner, Corvallis
Hear ye, all who dwell in the Kingdom of America. Laws of the land are hereby changed. By proclamation of the king, all who reside in the land are no longer citizens of a democratic republic, but are henceforth subjects of the kingdom. The former U.S. Congress is hereby named, “The Royal Choir of Praise to the King.” The former president’s Cabinet shall be named, “The Royal Inner Court of Praise to the King.” By edict of the Royal Judicial Court, the King is immune from wrongdoing. Be advised that criticism of the king will not be tolerated. Critics shall be banished or sentenced to the dungeon. All subjects shall sign the oath of loyalty to the king. By proclamation, the kingdom is great again! The republic is dead. Long live the King!
Mike Mercer says
For what ever reason a season of change is upon us and captured the imagination of many prompting thoughts of success without the need for yet another war. The pillars that support a war economy have been shown to be vulnerable to sunlight by a few young tech savvy DOGE Geeks. There will be a lot of finger pointing and calls for protesting those who dare to upset the applecart with transparency. This has been a long time coming.
Clark P Lee says
It’s funny cuz it’s true.
Kevin says
The Biden team is gone! Who would you be referring about?
Mike Mercer says
I’m starting to think there is something in the water in Corvallis.