by Archie L. Thomas & Merry Schrumpf, Corvallis
A solution to the housing shortage in Ravalli county may be in sight. The Office of Management and Budget sent buy out offers to all federal employees including employees at the Rocky Mountain Labs and the USFS in Ravalli county. More than 3 trillion dollars in federal funds has been halted and/or reviewed. All federal programs are on the chopping block including public health, national vaccine programs plus wildfire fighting funds.
When Trump’s review results in government reductions particularly in agencies involved in science and vaccine development, it seems logical that Rocky Mountain Labs would be closed. Reduced demand for GSK’s vaccine adjuvant production facility in Hamilton would most likely result in staff reductions or closure. USFS staff would likely be further reduced as all these laid off workers sell their homes and move on. A local housing surplus is born.
Imagine the possibilities, local elections are secure again, local housing prices drop. Stuart Rhodes(J6 leader) returns to Montana and settles in Ravalli County because he is no longer a federal hostage and gets a housing “deal” enabled by his boss DJT. Laid off workers can apply for jobs as bus drivers/tour guides for the local destination tourist resort for presidentially pardoned felons. Local MAGA loyalty is repaid with the loss of 3 major Ravalli County employers. Local residents cheer on further economic and unemployment disruptions while making Ravalli County Great Again!
Call Senator Daines (202) 224-2651 and Representative Zinke (202) 225-5628 and thank them for their latest economic development and jobs program as they prepare for their 2026 re-election.
Dale says
So in order to fix the housing problem, more people need to lose their jobs and their homes? Ha!
Carlotta Grandstaff says
Sen. Tim Sheehy: 202-441-7809.
Tracy says