by Scott Sacry

Corvallis’s assistant track and field coach Garrett Middleton, shown here (on the far right) at divisionals last year with his throwers, was selected as a finalist for national coach of the year by the National High School Athletic Coaches Association (NHSACA). Photo courtesy of Garrett Middleton.
Corvallis’s assistant track and field coach Garrett Middleton was among 10 Montana coaches who have been selected as a finalist for national coach of the year by the National High School Athletic Coaches Association (NHSACA).
Middleton was nominated by the Montana High School Association (MHSA) under the Boys Assistant Coach category. Finalists will be honored during the national coach of the year awards banquet during the NHSACA national convention in Rapid City, S.D. on June 25.
“This is quite the honor,” said Middleton. “My goals in life have tended to be somewhat personal, like improving myself in sports based activities, but this one is different. There have been so many people over the years that have been a part of my coaching life and have helped me, like the volunteers, the other coaches, all the athletes, and the supporters. This is an honor that I’m sharing with all of them.”
Middleton has coached at Corvallis for the last 20 years as the throws coach, which includes the shot put, discus and javelin. Middleton’s throwers have collected a lot of hardware over the years. He has coached 20 state champions, 20 state runners up, and 50 throwers finishing in 3rd through 6th place at state. Additionally, he has also coached 40 total divisional throwing champions.
“I really enjoy working with all the athletes and getting to know them as people,” said Middleton. “It’s very rewarding to be a positive influence in the lives of these kids.”
Middleton is an Industrial Technology teacher at Corvallis. He also helps with strength and conditioning for all sports and helped with high school football this year. Middleton was an accomplished thrower before coaching; in high school he set the Illinois state record in the discus and then threw for Murray State in college.
“One of the things I most enjoy about coaching is seeing the personal growth of students,” said Middleton. “I really like it when we get kids who haven’t had success in other sports. They try track and field and when they work hard they start seeing results. Seeing them become successful when they didn’t think it was possible is very rewarding.”
It’s hard to be a good high school coach and not everyone can do it, let alone excel at it. “One of the most important things that it takes to be a good coach is patience and adaptability,” said Middleton. “You’ve got to relate to the kids, and be able to change your own philosophy.”
Like most successful teachers and coaches, Middleton is a lifelong learner. He’s just as excited about the coaching clinics at the NHSACA national convention as he is with the awards banquet.
“This may sound weird, but when I go to the coaching clinics I make myself learn techniques that I disagree with,” said Middleton. “If I don’t like a technique and don’t think it works, then that’s the thing I’m going to make myself learn more about. And over the years, some of my best coaching techniques have been those things that I didn’t think would work, that I initially disagreed with. To be a good coach you need to be open-minded, you need to be open to new knowledge and open to change.”
A valuable lesson for all of us.