by Lorie Ortiz, Darby
We did not elect a president to the White House. The person that received that honor is a petulant, six year old, hydrophobic, frothing at the mouth rabid dog.The people that he is surrounded himself with are cut from the same cloth.These vultures are stripping America to the bones. Project 2025 is their shopping list.
Fact checked information tells us the head of FAA is gone, their funding cut. Head of the FBI is gone and replaced. Huge cuts to government employees. Employees that have dedicated years of service to keeping our government running. Already crops are decaying. Our farm workers are gone.
A 25% tariff on millions of dollars of trade coming into America would be too much for already strapped Americans to pay for. Crude oil, electricity, cement, metals, produce, car parts, cars, coffee, etc.
Everything that has made America great is on the chopping block.
Bill LaCroix says
This comment page (excluding Carlotta etc) is a perfect example of how malignantly, willfully ignorant people in Ravalli Co. have become. Way to go, dumbs….s. You got the govt you deserve. Little bitty problem: all of us to the left of hitler got it, too. And guess what? We’re not going anywhere. Shall I call the Waa..mbulance?
John Hofer says
77,000,000 People voted for change.Do u not care what Tax $ are being used for .We now have a PRESIDENT that is doing what he was voted to do and NOT sleeping 90% of the time.If you did not VOTE for change SUCK it up.
Alan says
Trump is doing what he was elected to do, and has the support of the majority of Americans. The faux outrage but the left is nothing more than the vain wailing of ideologues bound to their narrow views and hatred of Trump. Our interest payments on debt service is now equivalent to our national defense budget, that is completely unsustainable. Instead of getting on board and cleaning up the obvious and gross corruption and spending in DC, the tools of the Democrat party have found themselves on the wrong side of history. Support for Democrats is at an all time low, this is not resistance being shown by the left, it is the death moan of an archaic ideology being cast into the dust bin of failed policy and governance. This is not a Trump thing, this is a massive and permanent culture shift, and it terrifies the left, as it should. Addios.
Howard S. says
If you’re so concerned about the national debt, why are you supporting a party whose main concern is pushing through another major tax cut for the rich and corporations? The DOGE nonsense is just a distraction and won’t lead to any real savings. You’re being played.
Carlotta Grandstaff says
You’re right, Howard. Our reps in Congress are pushing a $4.5 million tax cut for the wealthy and their corporations. Those cuts are going to have to come from somewhere. If we have fires this summer but no USFS firefighters to fight them, here’s a tip: don’t blame the government for not providing them.
Alan says
You may be right here Howard. I think the process has to be exposure first, then rectify via legislation and codify the repairs and prevent them in the future. I don’t support any party, they both suck, they both are culpable in this mess. We have to fix this nonsense, folks are going to lose jobs, pain is going to be felt, I’m ok with it all it needs to happen.
Howard S. says
The pain is being inflicted in an attempt to cut spending by 1 or 2%. They’re more interested in creating chaos, which isn’t good for anyone and only makes us weaker and less safe. Defense, Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security make up about 80% of spending. If they’re serious, they’ll start looking to make cuts in those programs. But they are too popular to cut. That would be real pain, and will make getting re-elected for any Republican that endorses those cuts virtually impossible. And they know it.
Carlotta Grandstaff says
Just one “d” in adios.
If you’re so worried about the debt and interest payment on it, then you should have been pressuring your congressional reps because appropriations IS THEIR JOB! Did you pressure your representatives to cut back on services? Did you ask them to cut grants to the Rocky Mountain Lab? Did you put pressure on them to cut back on USFS firefighters so the debt could be reduced? No? Why not if you’re so concerned about the debt?
Alan says
Are you not the clown shoe that once said we need not worry about the national debt because we can print more money? Lmao. Yeah, you are, I don’t think I’ll spend one more second reading any gibberish from you on the economy.
Kevin says
Lorie, stay in Darby. Work is now being performed in Washington DC
Mike Mercer says
You people crack me up. Musk has a Top Secret clearance, launches rockets for NASA, is rescuing our astronauts and volunteers to help trim fat from our government and you think he cares about your precious SSI number, get over yourself.
Carlotta Grandstaff says
He’s also a neo-Nazi and trump’s top campaign donor.
Carlotta Grandstaff says
Thank you Lorie. You’re correct. Elon Musk, an admitted user of illegal drugs, now has access to Americans’ private information – SS numbers, income tax information, health information, and god knows what all. What is happening at the Rocky Mountain Lab? Are our tax filings safe from Musk? Has he infiltrated the VA computer system? Will veterans be able to receive health care promised to them? Don’t bother asking Ryan Zinke or his staff any of these questions as I just did. He and they know nothing. And now Musk, the richest man in the world, has taken food and medication from the poorest children in the world with his single-handed destruction of USAID, all while exploiting his own child he hauls around like a political prop, sending a clear message to trump: I, not you, am in charge. And our representatives in Congress have been emasculated, rendered useless. They’re bystanders, watching the destruction of the Constitution and cheering it on from the safety of the Capitol. But hey, it’s what people voted for, right?
Mike Miller says
Biden’s son used illegal drugs and sat in classified meetings. Perhaps I missed your statements against that allowance by President Biden?
The good news is you can still send your own money to USAID/foreign aid groups, so feel free to get started on that.
Perhaps you’re not aware we’re dozens of TRILLIONS of dollars in debt, and desperately need to get our own affairs in order?