by Bill Jones, Stevensville
Wouldn’t it be interesting if the Office of Management and Budget could calculate the fraction of what the multimillionaires have thrown at Trumpism was in comparison to what they saved in taxes in the present era of Trickle Down Economics? Okay, it wouldn’t have to be OMB necessarily, any number of data analyst gurus could get pretty close. Fatcats pulling down X last year may have donated Y to help get Legislator Joe Blow elected or reelected. If Mr. Fatcat was really flush with cash, his Y could have been as much as what hundreds of regular folks won’t even gross all together in their entire lifetimes.
Now let’s remember that the tax “breaks” can surely be viewed as income held back from the Treasury’s income, a forgiven contribution and a loss at the Treasury. Call it whatever you like.
So back to the numbers the guru is looking at. Mr. Fatcat’s discounted contribution has permitted his consideration to support legislator Joe Blow, a guy who has or says he will support the reduction of the Treasury’s income. Mr. Fatcat could then look at his discount amounts and pick what “Y” could be, and get that check for Joe Blow into the mail. A portion of his discount. His own little way of having the Treasury, in essence and as a practical matter, fund the campaign of Joe Blow. The campaign, an inauguration gala, whatever! When you think about it, and consider the movement of wealth away from the middle and lower classes, is it any wonder that the numbers around this are in the many hundreds of millions of dollars?
So Mr. And Mrs. Not-Fatcat, you may want to tighten up your enormous donation budget, and you probably will after you figure out the few bucks you got as a discount, your “tax break,” and the impact it’s had on your lifestyle. Like the yacht and another vacation trophy-house Joe Blow enabled. Feel satisfied that it only took a quarter(?) of your tax deduction to do so much! Plus, now you can get all pissy about the terrible deficit again. Did you know that in the 45th President’s administration the deficit went from what #44 had halved of #43’s horrible deficit, 45’s adding $7,800 billion. The Treasury was clobbered with a boatload of discounting established by #45, $7,800,000,000,000 worse, and watch, here comes an extension of The New-GOP’s terrific deficit growth plan. We should, believe the thousands of Fatcats. All with agreement from the most gullible voting block on the planet.