by Darin Gaub, Helena
I read the recent columns published on January 15th by Rep. Bedey and Sen. Ellsworth and was not surprised concerning their content. Both claimed to provide an accurate “Report” from their respective chambers of the legislature. As a person who spends time in the Capitol building every day, it seems they’ve both failed to “read the room.” Bedey falsely claimed the changes some in the Senate are attempting are “modest” rather than an attempt to stack committees while voting with Democrats over the will of their voters. Sen. Ellsworth chose to ignore the logjam in the Senate he created by voting as a Democrat and leading the charge to keep nine other “Republicans” voting as Democrats. This is not a minor thing, nor a “tempest in a teapot,” as Bedey would have you believe. This is dysfunction led by “Republicans” seeking to serve themselves rather than their constituents.