by Sonny LaSalle, Hamilton
I am curious if you members of our Legislature have to have a number of people killed on our highways because of impaired drivers before you are willing to pass legislation that actually deters people from drinking and driving. You have had many opportunities to do so and the numbers keep rising. Thanks to you, we rank almost near the top of the 50 states, on a per capita basis, for the number of deaths on our highways due to impaired drivers. There are examples of legislation in other states that actually serve as a deterrent, and you have had proposed bills before, one in the last few years from Representative Greef that didn’t get out of Committee. If you really want to deter people from driving while impaired, pass a law that results in the vehicle, as long as it isn’t stolen, being confiscated after a certain number of DUI convictions, say two or three, and mandatory jail sentencing for the second conviction that increases in time as the convictions increase. I am sure there are more ideas on how to deter people from driving while impaired, but you have to do something as what you are doing now (nothing) will ensure more deaths, injuries and ruined lives for many families. Do you have a reason for ignoring the data?
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