by Jim Kalkofen, Stevensville
Some things just seem right. Like a perfect cast and a big cutthroat sucking in your dry fly. Or, rounding a mountain trail and a 6 x 6 bull elk steps out.
A group of “old guys” and a few not-so-olds feel committed to helping Bitterroot Valley youth learn more about the outdoors by sending them to outdoor camps this summer. These FREE week-long experiences teach youth. They will become better back-packers, fishermen, archers, shooters, river floaters, mountain campers and more. The youngsters get expert hands-on lessons and instructions. This effort also feels “right.”
Last year, 200 youth enjoyed their time in camps throughout Montana, thanks to the Montana Conservation Elders. All for FREE, just like this year.
The Elders are doing the leg work in conjunction with First Hunt Foundation. Camps and instructors (not to say anything about meals for young people who spend all day loving nature under the sun) take money.
That’s why this group of experienced outdoorsmen are conducting a Montana Matters Youth Outdoors Experience banquet March 13 at the Hamilton Fairgrounds. Help support their fund-raising efforts and join them for an evening of fun, great food, prizes, games and guns. Consider going to their website – – and buy a table or the banquet tickets you’ll need. You will meet new friends who share your passion. You will also assist the Elders by passing along their love of the outdoors to the next generation. I will see you there.
Also – want to donate an auction item or funds? Call me at 651-356-5676.
Alan says
Outstanding, keep up the good work!