Legal Notice
The Ravalli County Planning Department is inviting public comment on floodplain application FA-24-14 for work proposed within the FEMA regulated floodplain of the Bitterroot River. The applicant is Geoff Foote and the project is located at 5502 Klements Lane, Florence, MT in Section 12, Township 10 North, Range 20 West, Ravalli County. The shop dimensions are 40’ x 60’ with two 10’ x 40’ covered parking areas attached to the north and south side of building. The lowest floor of the shop will be above elevated the 100-year floodplain and wet flood proofed with flood vents. All construction will be completed in accordance with the Ravalli County Floodplain Regulations. Detailed information regarding this application is available for review at the Ravalli County Planning Department at 215 S 4th St, Suite F in Hamilton. Written comments may be mailed, hand-delivered or emailed (planning@rc.mt.gov) and must be received by January 29th, 2025 (Reference Application #FA-24-18).
BS 1-15-25.