by Hamilton Mayor Dominic Farrenkopf
For the City of Hamilton, 2024 was a productive year with many notable accomplishments. Every City Department made contributions to the city’s success. Here is a brief synopsis:
• The City partnered with SAFE, the Human Resource Council, Salvation Army and other community individuals and organizations to work on solutions for temporary emergency shelter needs in the Bitterroot Valley. A comprehensive Bitterroot Valley Community Support List was generated and made available on the City’s website; that resource list us current for the 2024-25 winter season.
•The First Presbyterian Church partnered with the City to create the Sunrise Family Refuge, a free emergency shelter able to house families in need on a temporary basis.
• Through generous contributions by the City and Town Pump Charitable Foundation, a small fund was created to provide temporary emergency shelter during the coldest weather months at local hotels. Additional funding has been sought through grants and discussions are ongoing regarding more permanent solutions.
• The City website was updated and the City invested additional time and resources into enhancing its technology to make City information and services more accessible electronically.
• The City continues to provide an event venue through its Community Center at City Hall, making space available for local organizations and events at affordable cost.
• The City’s new fire station saw use for its first fire season; the Volunteer Fire Department responded to a large number of calls not only for fires in the Hamilton Fire District, but also in response to several major windstorm events that caused damage to public and private trees and property. The City is pursuing emergency disaster support through the State to help offset some of the public expense of the storm cleanup.
• The Hamilton Fire Department answered 359 calls for service. An increase of 53% from 2023. They responded to 16 structure fires and 25 motor vehicles accidents accumulating over 5,200 hours of time by 27 volunteers.
• In addition to regular park and trail maintenance, the Parks Department secured grant money to get a new bathroom at Claudia Driscoll Park that will be installed in late spring 2025. They completed underground irrigation at the Dog Park, River Park, and Hieronymus Park and installed new playground components at Claudia Driscoll Park. They planted trees in Claudia Driscoll park and many street boulevards. Major clean up was completed after the August windstorm.
• The Hamilton Police Departent was awarded a grant for a second School Resource Officer. They started a program for self reporting crimes and suspicious activity not in progress. Purchases of new equipment were made to improve police service provided to the community.
• Public Works made progress on Marcus Street’s Transportation Alternatives grant & RAISE grant. The North 3rd Street Water main was replaced as was the Madison Street sewer lining. Downtown sidewalks were replaced and/or repaired. The ARPA Waste Water Treatment Plant project was completed, improving efficiency of City sewer.
• The Planning Department began a comprehensive Zoning Update and worked in unison with the Public Works Department reviewing annexation and subdivision requests.
• The City worked in partnership with a multitude of non-profits, civic groups, businesses and individuals to strengthen and grow the social fabric that makes up the City of Hamilton. As mayor, I am proud of these accomplishments made by City Staff and our Community Partners and I look forward to another successful year in 2025.
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