Legal Notice
The Ravalli County Planning Department is inviting public comment on floodplain permit application FA-22-28 for work proposed within the FEMA regulated floodplain of the Bitterroot River. The applicant is Rodney Clarke of RBC Sand and Gravel. The project is proposing to continue operation of an existing gravel mine and expand operations into a 5.2-acre area on the subject property. All other necessary federal, state and local permits have been obtained. A site map is attached with this notice. The property is located at 2905 US Highway 93 S, Darby, MT in Section 35, Township 04 North, Range 21 West, Ravalli County. All construction will be completed in accordance with the Ravalli County Floodplain Regulations and will be located within the FEMA Flood Fringe area of the floodplain. Detailed information regarding this application is available for review at the Ravalli County Planning Department at 215 S 4th St, Suite F in Hamilton. Written comments may be mailed, hand-delivered or emailed (planning@rc.mt.gov) and must be received by December 25th, 2024. (Reference Application #FA-22-28).
BS 12-11-24.