by David Stover, Stevensville
As I recently read the editorial section of the Bitterroot Star, I realize there are numerous bitter folks that live in Montana. I see that people from various places including Missoula do not have a clue about Jon Tester’s voting record but support him because he is a Democrat. Tester voted in lock step with Schumer and the Biden gang 95% of the time as he has voted against the ban to count illegal aliens in our census. He voted to give amnesty to 11 million illegal aliens and voted to provide support for them to the tune of $billions annually. He voted against the border wall on our southern border but to listen to him, he is getting really tough on illegal immigration. Why did he wait until election year to get tough as he has been in office for almost 18 years and done absolutely nothing to secure our border?
And now, the Democrat party is pumping $millions into Tester’s campaign whereby he has outspent Sheehy about 6 to 1. Tester just received another $30+ million and now we find out that he pays all of these people to make those commercial ads for him smearing Sheehy. Without a smear campaign, Tester has nothing on which to campaign. Sheehy is a combat veteran who has been in actual combat much unlike Tester.
If you have not already voted, vote for Tim Sheehy as we can no longer afford Jon Tester.
WMA says
Of course, Bill is lying. Again.
Following are details of Tester’s donations as reported by Open Secrets website. I know they are hard to read, but the largest donors by far are retired folks like me:
Industry Total Individuals PACs
Retired $11,578,658 $11,578,658 $0
Lawyers/Law Firms $3,166,346 $3,030,346 $136,000
Securities & Investment $2,629,081 $2,396,581 $232,500
Education $2,048,780 $2,048,780 $0
Democratic/Liberal $1,817,252 $1,729,540 $87,712
Real Estate $1,435,631 $1,298,631 $137,000
Health Professionals $1,268,655 $1,100,655
Bill Cavanaugh says
Sorry Wayne… You are the liar. Now do the Last Best Place Pac etc… Tester has 10 times more dark money behind him than Sheehy.. I know you think you’re sharp shooting out some bologna from Open Secrets, but unless you include the Dark Money, you’re just pedaling misinformation.
WMA says
Good. Glad Tester is well funded. But to claim all of his donations come from East Coast liberals is just silly. The definition of dark money is it is untraceable.
Bill Cavanaugh says
Well said, David, however Tester is outspending Sheehy 12 to 1 in reality.
All coming from the East Coast Liberals who want to tell us how to live in Montana.