by Lori Ortiz, Darby
I am so tired of the Republicans telling lies about Tester. For all of us who have ranched, farmed or lived a long way off of the grid, you need rural schools, medical facilities and hopefully a farm implement store within 30 miles.
Let’s say it is haying season. The baler broke down. You need a part today, not tomorrow. It is crucial that you do. A storm is coming in. You need to get the hay up before it hits.
How about Jon taking away your guns? Let’s see, he has a wild predator killing his cows out on the range. I guess Tester just goes out there with a baseball bat and kills them. Hopefully, he will bring in a good enough of a hay crop to pay for fuel, labor, parts and overhead. If he is lucky enough he will wind up with a couple of nickels to rub
Jon stands up for the little guy. He is not taking their guns away or cutting their Social Security! They are dependent on these in order to survive.