by Kristin Kruse
If you were to walk into the Hamilton Senior Center on any Monday, Wednesday or Friday, you could expect to smell delicious food being prepared for lunch in the kitchen and hear the band tuning up and getting ready to perform for the crowd. 85-year-old Helen Sullivan, a member of the center for over a year, couldn’t be happier to be a part of this lively group.
“I’ve made so many friends here, and everyone is just so nice,” said Sullivan.
Sitting next to Sullivan is her friend Kathy Anderson, who utilizes public transportation to get her to the center three times a week. Sullivan stated that she saw Anderson sitting by herself for lunch one day and decided to go over and introduce herself.
“Now we are the best of friends, and talk on the phone almost every day,” added Sullivan.
Newcomer 91-year-old Norberto Rodriguez, also seated at the table, has only been a member for three weeks, yet has a room full of friends and was enjoying telling stories of his life in Argentina, and how he left his country in the early 60’s and eventually ended up in Hamilton, Montana.
The center was established in 1991 and has functioned as a non-profit since 1995. In addition to healthy and affordable meals being served up three times a week, there are a multitude of activities to choose from, including ping-pong, line dancing, card games, bingo and even a flea market that operates September through May.
“All in all, this is a great place, with 150-200 members,” said President Joseph Bruno, “but you don’t have to be a member to come, you just have to be 60 or older. We serve about 70 people a four-course lunch three times a week. Like most non-profits, there is always the need for help, specifically board members and volunteers to help with organizing fundraisers and events.”

According to the National Council on Aging, seniors who participate in a senior center program benefit in many ways. They experience higher levels of health, increased social interaction and greater life satisfaction. Participation also offers a sense of purpose and aids in maintaining both physical and mental health. The Hamilton Senior Center is a valuable resource that serves all of the communities in the valley, and relies on fundraisers and donations to cover the costs of operations and overhead.
There will be a fall fundraiser on November 16th from 6:30 to 9:30 p.m., featuring accordionist extraordinaire Mike Hanson along with dancing and singing, and cookies, coffee and snacks provided at intermission. The cost to attend is $10.00 for singles, $15.00 for couples.
The center also rents out the facility to the general public for social gatherings and meetings. All proceeds are used to finance the center’s operation. For information or to get involved call 406-363-5181.
Sullivan, who lost her husband a year and a half ago, has experienced a renewed zest for life through her participation with the center. She even started writing poetry again, and wrote this poem about the senior center.
Hamilton Senior Center
by Helen Sullivan
In Hamilton, Montana there’s a very special place-
Just walking in the door brings a smile to your face!
The Senior Center is a place for seniors to enjoy-
A great chance for your social skills to employ.
Near the reception desk, there’s a table with things you can buy-
It’s full of stuff, sure to put a sparkle in your eye!
On Monday, Wednesday and Friday they serve a tasty meal-
For just five bucks, you get a really good deal!
Are you longing for something fun to do?
The Center’s newsletter is filled with activities just for you!
There’s line dancing to keep you in shape-
No more worries about measuring tape!
The management and helpers are all volunteer-
For that they deserve a great big cheer!
Even you can volunteer and have a good time-
Missing the chance would be a really big crime!
Ping Pong might be fun to do-
You can hit the ball and get exercise too!
Check the newsletter to see what’s going on-
No need to sit at home and constantly yawn!
The music they play takes you back to days in the past-
Thinking about those times is a really big blast!
The tunes you hear will make your foot tap-
Thank the good Lord, they play no rap!
They play music that makes you want to sing along-
Even though the notes you hit are totally wrong!
Everyone is so nice-you’ll make friends fast-
And all the while, you’re having a really big blast!
Bring in your friends and help the membership grow-
The more the merrier-let the good times flow!
At the Senior Center, you should become a member-
Just think of all the good times you’re sure to remember!
The people at the Center are so dog-gone nice-
About coming back, you won’t think twice!
So, come to the Center-laugh and talk with your friends-
The good times you’ll experience will have no ends!
Barb Price says
How often each month is pinochle offered?