by Richard Coleman, Hamilton
If your vote is based on race, color, sexual orientation, political ads or who a celebrity told you to vote for? PLEASE DON’T VOTE.
Men and women already have reproductive rights. However, if you believe that you have the right to kill a fetus because you didn’t use one of the many products available to prevent a pregnancy, PLEASE DON’T VOTE.
If you plan to vote for the candidate that promises you a free ride (free college tuition, free money to buy a house, free money to start a business, free medical or free money because you live on the planet earth) all which will further divide our nation and further raise the deficit which is presently at $1.9 Trillion, PLEASE DON’T VOTE.
Roger Mitchell says
I agree with Gomez. Not convincing.
Instead, I say, “Don’t vote because, if you do, you are perpetuating the System which is designed to keep you enslaved by rules, regulations, and unknown persons who control virtually everything. If you vote for the lesser of two evils, as everyone does, then you are advocating for an evil System and advancing it. Voting for an evil person does not stop evil, it enhances it.”
“Don’t vote. Politicians, leaders, strongmen, and would-be messiahs promise to fix all your problems, tax you to finance those solutions, then fail to deliver. In reality, they are using you, your gullibility, and your penchant to defer to a master/slave relationship for only one reason–to gain control over you. If you vote, you are voluntarily giving them that power.
“Don’t vote. If you do, then you are at least partially responsible for what your candidate does if he is elected. There is no way to get around this truth.”
Don’t vote. It encourages them.”
Voting is nothing more than choosing whose hand holds the club with which you are beaten. It does nothing to stop the beatings.
Alan says
Hear hear.
Gomez says
Somehow I do not find your arguments very convincing. 🙂