by Dennis Williams, Hamilton
I think it’s safe to say that most of you reading this have had a mother and father – at some point. Al least biologically at the very beginning of your life. And, who cares what race your parents are/were – be they of the same race OR mixed.
But, how CHEAP would it be of you if you – as the offspring of a mixed parentage – chose to “cakewalk” about dissing one parent’s race and heritage over the others’s. How shallow would it be of you to claim, “I’m only this, or “I’m only that.” When in reality you are both, if not even more than that! Why even point it out! How rude it is to pick one parent and ignore the other as though they don’t matter AND TO DO SO FOR SELFISH GAIN!
So, if you are Chicano, Mulatto, Mixed, or whatever label there is out there… be who you were born as, without dishonoring one parent over the other and regardless of what “percentage blood you are.”
It’s hard to trust and respect someone who disregards a parent simply FOR SELFISH GAIN. “What a web we weave when first…”
What matters is to have integrity, character; be one who can sit and reason with others, and be a person of your word – without flip-flopping according to the weather. Be someone who can get a job done properly, orderly, honestly and with stability. And if you are on record having said you’d like to ban plastic straws, why allow 100,000 latex balloons to be set off in your “honor”?