by Kristin Kruse
For those looking for a fun, family friendly event that also supports the Stevensville swimming pool, they need not look any further than the 4th annual car show, hosted by the Newsom family. The event will be held on Saturday, July 6 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Newsom’s shop on 3929 Highway 93.
Jeff Newsom, owner of Newsom Tire and Jeff’s Towing, along with his son Tyler Newsom, have chosen to donate all of the proceeds from this year’s car show to the Stevensville pool.

“I grew up in Stevensville and have swam in the pool since I was a kid,” stated Jeff. This is also true for his son Tyler, and now his granddaughters Timberlee and Taylor.
The proceeds from previous shows have been donated to Montana Hope Project, but the Newsoms wanted to give more locally to the Stevensville community, and felt like the pool was the perfect recipient. Their goal is to raise $3000.
Stevensville Public Works Director, Stephen Lassiter, spoke of how those funds will be used. “The pool is in desperate need of a new cover. The current cover was donated several years ago and is falling apart. The cost for a new cover is $5600, so we will also utilize money raised by the ‘Save Our Pool’ fund along with the generous donation from the Newsom family. I want to give a big thank you to the Newsom family, it is very much appreciated.”
Newsom and son are hoping for a large turnout this year as they are not competing with Mildenberger Motors, who has held a car show on the same date in the past.
“We typically see about 70 to 80 cars,” said Newsom. “It’s not too late to register if you’d like to participate. The cost to register is $20 for the first vehicle, and $10 for each additional vehicle. There will be a registration table at the event.”
In addition to plenty of cars to swoon over, there will be a raffle with some great prizes and food provided by Amor y Tacos of Stevensville. Food is free to registered participants, and for sale to attendees. Tyler’s wife, Rylee, has also designed and made t-shirts that will be for sale.
This year there will be trophies awarded to those voted best in the following categories; Newsom Tire choice award, Jeff’s Towing choice award, best 4×4, work in progress, most modified and kids choice award. Voting on the first two categories will be done by Newsom and his son Tyler, and the kids choice award will be decided by none other than Newsom’s granddaughters.
If you have any questions or need information about registering, call (406) 360-3370.