by Ed Sperry, Col USAF (ret), Stevensville
I think our country is in serious danger. All of us should be concerned about who has the nuclear codes and is running the country. Let me state a few facts. Facts both parties agree on. President Biden is not capable of competing for re-election. He has resigned from the candidacy. He has not resigned from being President. He was considered too old and feeble to be charged with mishandling classified info. Unless something is done he will be running things until January 2025. I think everything I’ve written is agreed upon by both parties.
Doesn’t it seem strange that a guy that is incapable of running for office is still capable of being President? I think this is not just insane, it’s dangerous as hell! The world is on the edge of a major war and that is who is at our helm! China, Russia, North Korea, Iran, all are aware of this weakness in our leadership. Yes, the sharks are circling.
Everyone needs to tell the Congress and the White House that our President must resign or be immediately removed! Yes, I’m scared, and you should be too.
Gomez says
You know who else is scared? Donald Trump. He’s scared to debate Kamala.
Howard S. says
The whole business model of Fox News is designed to keep old white people scared and angry. If you don’t like feeling that way, I don’t blame you. Here’s an idea: change the f-ing channel. The Olympics are on, watch them instead. Do us all a favor.
hsabin says
HOWARD – STOP! Ed is one of the wisest men I have ever met and he is gravely concerned about the direction this county is headed. You think it’s okay for drag queens to read to kids or dance around lewdly dressed in front of them? What are YOUR VALUES? I think we all see them. Did you think that the opening of the olympics was good? tasteful and showed respect for the athletes and the meaning of the Olympics? HAH! that tells us all what kind of person YOU are and YOUR VALUES!
Howard S. says
At least someone is reading to the kids. I don’t see the semi-literate hillbillies with the Trump flags on their pickups looking to do it.
If Ed is so wise, he can turn off the TV, do some reading of actual news, and form his own opinion rather than regurgitate this nonsense.
Gome says
Helen. Donald Trump is a convicted sexual assaulter. He bragged about getting away with it on tape, his reasoning being, that he was rich and famous. He cheated a children’s cancer charity. He is a convicted felon. He has cheated on every woman that he’s been married to. He is a known, pathological liar. He called those that signed up for the military, “suckers and losers”.
I understand why you’re supporting a man whose morals and values align perfectly with your own. I understand that being like him is something that excites you and makes you feel less insignificant in a complicated world that you have a hard time understanding. I also understand that it is much easier to let someone else, whether it be Trump or the conservative media, think for you, and decide where you stand on important issues rather than trying to educate yourself and forming your own opinions and thoughts. Because I now understand your motivations, I can no longer hold any ill will against you. Good luck, see you at the polls in November.
Gomez says
Sorry for the typo, Gomez, not Gome.
WMA says
Do you think watching drag queens will turn a child gay? I don’t. I think they will not be interested because they are prepubescent children.
WMA says
I would prefer Biden in charge of our nation on his worst day instead of Trump. Of course if Biden resigned, we would have President Harris. I like the sound of that.
Gomez says