by Kristin Kruse
A gauntlet of American flags lined the hallway to the gym at Stevensville High School on May 22nd as students entered to attend an end of the year awards ceremony. Due to a collaboration between several local organizations, 116 flags were donated to the Stevensville school district. Kay Gibbons, with American Legion Fort Owen Post 94, spoke of the importance of having flags displayed in classrooms.
“The American flag symbolizes respect for the United States, its people, laws, and traditions,” said Gibbons. “Displaying it in the classroom sends a message to students that they should have pride in their country and respect for all those who have fought to serve it. Stevensville classrooms did have flags in most classrooms, but they were of varying sizes and placed in various areas of the classroom. It was decided that uniform sized flags that could be placed in front of all of the classrooms would be a good project.”

Photo courtesy of Kay Gibbons.
The United States flag code is a federal law that requires public schools to display the American flag in every classroom. It is not mandatory though, stating that this is only if the school can afford the flags or get them donated. The code was written by the American Legion and over 60 civic organizations on June 14th, 1923. Montana Superintendent of Public Instruction, Elsie Arntzen, partnered with the American Legion of Montana to ensure that every Montana classroom has a United States flag. This is known as The Stars and Stripes Initiative. It is because of this code that Tony Hudson, Stevensville School Board Trustee and founder of Save the American West, decided to partner with American Legion Fort Owen Post 94 to donate 116 flags to the Stevensville school district so that they would be in compliance with the United States flag code, according to Gibbons.
“There will be enough flags to have one in every classroom as well as the common areas of the primary, middle and high school,” said Gibbons.
In addition to the flags themselves, poles, stands and toppers were donated and need to be stained. Gibbons and her husband have been chipping away at them but 116 flagpoles is a lot. Gibbons stated that she approached the high school shop teacher to see if he could get kids to help out with the staining, which she feels would give them a sense of ownership in the project.
“I feel that it is very important to instill pride and patriotism in young people,” said Gibbons.
The American Legion and the VFW are comprised of former service men and women who have served their country, and these organizations were created so that we can continue serving, said Gibbons.
Partnering with the American Legion and Save the American West was Victor VFW Post 1507. Generous donations were also given by the North Valley Pachyderms and the Ravalli County Democrats. Representatives from each organization were in attendance at Stevensville High School on the 22nd for the presentation of the flags.
hsabin says
Board member Tony Hudson was also instrumental in getting the stands for the flags. We need more like these wonderful Americans active in our schools and to teach respect for the flag and our constitution! Thank you to everyone who had a hand in this project. Let’s make it the same in all the schools/valley’s and meeting places in the valley