by Susan McCreary, Stevensville
When I was nominated and voted into the Ravalli County Republican Central Committee (RCRCC) in about 2017-2018, there were older Voting Precinct people who had served 20 and 30 years as Central Committee (C.C.) members. Those people were a treasure of history, information, drive and knowledge of what C.C. was all about.
Not all 24 Voting Precincts had C.C. members (one man, one woman), but we all worked together to recruit candidates for county, state and Federal offices, and raised funds to support the candidates in the November Elections.
Then there was a shift of the RCRCC towards the extreme right in Christian, Conservative and Constitutional values. We lost some of the older C.C. members through natural causes in life, which left more empty C.C. seats.
More people of the John Birch Society entered the C.C. membership, as did more Libertarian leaning “republicans,” who soon began to nominate and vote in more of their members than the established real Republican C.C. members could push back, and our real Republican C.C. was stolen.
Suddenly good became evil, and evil became good. The God of the Bible was replaced with the god of “Politics.”
After the RCRCC was stolen, I found the meetings and extreme shift to the Right totally irrelevant to what the RCRCC existed to accomplish and I quit attending the meetings, but I never resigned.
The thieves who stole our RCRCC are described in St. John 10:10 in the KJV of the Bible; the thieves come “to steal, kill and destroy…”
Since January of 2024 I have witnessed the thieves in the RCRCC steal from, kill and destroy committed and dedicated Real Republican Statesmen and Stateswomen by stealing their pure characters, killing their innocence, and not yet satisfied, the thieves have almost successfully destroyed the Real Republican men and women who had run as candidates for office to oppose the “Political” thieves’ agenda.
Proverbs 24:1-24 (KJV Bible) describes how evil prevails when good men do nothing. It also outlines what happens in the end to those who do the evil–not good news for them.
Ravalli County now has 25 Voting Precincts. Because this is a Presidential Election Year, all the C.C. seats were open for filing if someone wanted to run as a candidate for the Voting Precinct they reside in. Good and Real Republican men and women did file for those seats and won. Those elected in the June 4, 2024, election will be verified June 11 at the RC Administration Building at 11 am. And will be sworn into their respected C.C. Seats at the next monthly meeting of the RCRCC July 9th, 2024. The meeting starts at 7 pm at the Solid Rock Baptist Church, 150 Sheafman Creek Road.
Newly elected Real Republicans, let nothing or anyone stop you from being sworn in to your C.C. Seats. Thank you, community members who have voted and elected us Real Republican men and women and given us the opportunity to recover our RCRCC in order to serve you as true and Real Republicans.
Jim Burrill says
Apparently Sue thinks the best way to get her way is stealing campaign signs of those with whom she does not agree. Wayne Rusk should have fired her as his campaign manager immediately. Apparently they have no discretion nor principles.
hsabin says
She didn’t steal any signs and Dailey had the chance to ask her to put the sign back which incidentally Dailey put next to Rsks sign to incite his supporters to move hers – Rusk in no way endorsed or supported Dailey. Instead of using Montana values and telling the older woman to please replace the sign she signed a police complaint against her. This is NOT Montana values in action. This is greedy, self-serving values that the John Birchers show and is the reason why they are so detested here in the valley. She is part of the Ravalli County Central Committee who LIED – yes LIED about Rusk, Binkley, Bedey and OVerstreet claiming that all refused to sign a pledge to support the US Constitution, the MT Constitution and that shows Y OUR ignorance. Bedey is a 30 year Army officer who. not only pledged his support for both but so did all three when Binkley and Rusk served in the legislature and Overstreet took an oath when he became the attorney for the town of Stevensville. SO You need to SU and look at yourself and those with whom YOU associate….they have NO DISCRETION or PRINCIPLES.
Helen Sabin says
Thank you Sue for your trip down memory lane. I saw many what I call Bitterroot Republicans leave the central committee after the John Birchers started moving in around 2019 or perhaps a little eariier. . Now they are one of the most toxic entities around. Regular republicans who worked to help build the GOP brand were chase away and now the GOP title is becoming a joke. I wonder how many red republicans are left in the valley. IF you are one…send your name and thoughts about being a Republican to Let’s see if republicans want once again to become a republican?