by Kristin Kruse
The actor Morgan Freeman once said, “How do we change the world? One random act of kindness at a time.”
Random acts of kindness are what Stevensville’s Bill McNulty is known for, according to friends and family. The Bitterroot Valley Chamber of Commerce selected McNulty for their Unsung Hero Award earlier this month, much to the surprise of McNulty.
“It’s not me, it’s we,” said McNulty. “Community service is a team sport.”
As a longtime business owner (he owns McNulty Chiropractic) and resident of Stevensville, McNulty has deep roots in the community. He started a Thursday night poker league close to 30 years ago, and this league is responsible for countless fundraising events that have taken place over the years. The group is not associated with any political or church group, and their efforts range from building a park in Wisdom, to helping a friend with broken pipes.
Longtime friend Emmy Jessop spoke about why McNulty is worthy of this award. “Bill is always in the middle of who needs help,” said Jessop. “His friends have nicknamed him The Governor, because he knows everyone, reaches out and just makes it happen. He’s your best friend and makes you feel like the most important person in the room. He has a lot of love to give.”
Jim Pfau, another longtime friend of McNulty’s and member of the Thursday night poker league, met McNulty through their involvement with announcing and providing music for the high school football and basketball games.
“Bill is one of the kindest, biggest guys I know,” stated Pfau. “We have done a lot of benefits together, raised a bunch of money, and he is very worthy of this award.”
The duo is widely known for their auctioneering skills, McNulty describing auction items and Pfau taking auction bids and getting the crowd excited.
Of the countless fundraisers that McNulty has been involved with, there are a few that were especially meaningful to him. McNulty described helping out a local waitress that was in need.
“A group of 75 of us came into the restaurant where she worked and we all asked for separate checks, much to her dismay, but each person left her a $100 tip,” recalled McNulty. “Once she figured out what was going on she was just blown away.” McNulty’s poker league was also responsible for the Honkers Golf Tournament, which raised over $100,000, not to mention pie auctions that had people paying $1,000 for a single pie. Computers have also been purchased and donated.
“We have done auctions all over the place, from White Sulphur Springs to Missoula,” said McNulty. “Emmy is in charge of who and how much, and then we just get it done.”
“I feel blessed to know everyone, I am very humbled and flattered and I accept this award on behalf of all who are involved,” said McNuty. “I appreciate the award, but it is always a group effort.”
lewis barnett says
good for you , you deserved it, from Texas
, but Stevensville is never far from my heart
Betty Landwehr says
Billy, I am so proud of you! Congratulations upon receiving this award for your generosity. You are a pillar in your community. Well deserved recognition. Great photo of you, too!