by Brad Tschida, Missoula
The last line of defense between rule by the elites, and preservation of personal rights, is an informed electorate – and outstanding people like Theresa Manzella protecting your rights.
Since 2015, Theresa Manzella has protected and defended the rights of you – the citizens of Ravalli County – from the taking of your God-given blessings. Theresa has been a tireless advocate for the preservation of your Christian, Constitutional rights.
Now, 2 persons – Wayne Rusk and Brad Davis – are attempting to deceive you by claiming to be conservatives. Davis has no record, so he has yet to put his money where his mouth is. He hasn’t earned any of your trust or respect.
Rusk has been the antithesis of a conservative. Here are a few examples: He voted to allow undocumented individuals (illegals) the right to vote in Montana – without confirmation of their citizenship or eligibility. That is a proven fact by his votes on HB 402. The rights offered in HB 402 were greater rights than you have, as registered voters. Further, he opposed 5 constitutional initiatives, which would have allowed you, Ravalli County residents, the right to vote to constitutionally enshrine the ability to hunt, fish and trap, among other rights. Third, he refused to honor the platform of the Montana GOP – which is written by Montana’s Republican citizens.
Theresa Manzella is a strong, principled representative of your rights. Neither of her opponents can make such a claim. I spent 4 sessions working with Sen. Manzella and consider her one of the most principled legislators currently serving in Montana. Other true conservatives across the state echo my claims.
The elites, who wish to control every facet of your life, would prefer Theresa’s opponents to win. In addition, the liberals in Ravalli County are the only hope of Sen. Manzella’s opponents, who cannot win in the primary without Dems crossing over to vote for a “Democrat in the Republican Party”.
If you would preserve your constitutional rights, you must return Sen. Theresa Manzella to Helena, representing SD 44.
Maryann Erickson says
Tschida got voted out for improper comments. Manzella has done nothing for Ravalli County. All she does is complain and spout the same old lies.
hsabin says
HEY good for you that you have been paying attention! WOO HOO!
John Grant says
By the way, Brad Tschida is a non-resident has been.
hsabin says
I heard he is under or was under investigation for something and that’s why he left the PSC? Anyone know?
Mike Miller says
I’m sure the answer is somewhere on the world wide interweb… just waiting for you to look it up yourself.
hsabin says
Gee Mike that’s not a helpful suggestion at all. But thanks for not being helpful! OH, I get it! You are afraid that those out there who want to know something about this guy, Tschida who said a woman’s uterus is ONLY as a sanctuary of life want to know what others know? Here’s a tip for you to give to Tschida – He must not know that a uterus is also good and a part of women achieving orgasm and that it acts as a solid foundation for a woman’s body. but that might make his mind be blown to recognize what a fool this man was. That’s why he was voted out of office, was put into the PSC -a dumping ground for unwanted legislators, and then had to “leave” due to suspicions on his actions in that group. And wan’t Tschida the one who said the state legislature had too many Indians or native Americans in it? YEAH – great guy to support Mike…good job. Your mom and dad might not have taught you about being careful about choosing your friends….
Mike Miller says
It’s very helpful. I told you where to go to find what your looking for. I bet in less time than it took you to reply to my initial reply, you could’ve found your original answer.
Instead you chose to post berserker, irrational comments based on nothing I said. Sad! Calm down!
Jeff Darrah says
I think Senator Manzella’s point is made. She wasn’t allowed to film herself and just as she stated a faction of people are saying bad things about her. If what you are saying is true wouldn’t you have liked to have it on video? I can see why she wanted to film it, for her own protection!
hsabin says
JEFF – Manzella sent out an EDITED video a couple of hours after she refused to speak and walked out on residents who had come to hear her speak. The VIDEO was meant to demean, denigrate and show in a bad light the legislators she thinks are her enemies or that of Kathy Love who is Manzella’s trained puppet. Manzella was selfish, and rude. She could have spoken at any time if she had wanted to…just ask any of the guests and members of the club who were there . If no one was videoing her then of what was she afraid? Would she had for once slipped and told the truth about Bill 402 and be shown that she doesn’t understand how to read a fabulous bill that was intended to identify ahead of time and stop any illegal from voting?
helen Sabin says
WMA -Manzella is losing it! Is she mentally ill? Last Friday she acted so bizarrely at the Pachyderms Club that folks who were there are asking, what is wrong with her? She was supposed to be the featured speaker but she wouldn’t speak until she was allowed to video herself. She issued an ultimatum expecting the rules to be changed for her but Club members voted on the issue and said no. The reason? videos can be edited and cut for nefarious purposes and that is exactly what Manzella did. She proved their point. Two hours later she sent out a video with many cutting from other videos all combined into one video with the intention of making the people in the videos look foolish for her own purposes. She did exactly what the club feared – editing for nefarious purposes. Then….she sent out another today with the same techniques of demeaning others through the use of videos. She needs to go! Please vote for Wayne Rusk for Sd44. Send Manzella home to rest and recover. She is clearly around the bend as my Grandpa used to say. The crowning glory? In the central committee she voted to NOT allow videos. Guess why? She is sick and needs help! Many have seen her losing it more and more! Sadly she had better quit the race as she is in bad shape! Elect Wayne Rusk, not Manzella who is clearly ill and needs help badly!
Patty Hascall says
Such hateful comments. Why on earth would anyone vote for Wayne Rusk when he has had three DUI’s, one of which included child endangerment of his own children. Two were expunged from the record (Just how does that happen?) and one still stands. If anyone has an illness it is not Theresa Manzella.
As for recording, with people like you slandering her, she is within her rights to want to have proof of the context of her talks…. Because you also could edit out of context. I have been to several of her talks and seen her videos. So far as I can tell none have been edited.
Carrie says
Patty, you should be made aware that you are telling lies. I don’t not believe that I know you or that my husband Wayne Rusk knows you. I am very proud to say that our family made it thru a very short, but obviously difficult time nearly 11 years ago. One thing that was never part of it was endangerment of his own children nor having records expunged. Do you not realize that he won HD 88 by a substantial margin. seems to me that a lot of people consider him worthy of their vote.
Elliott EmmA says
Oh, my goodness, Helen. I am surprised at you.
Being as educated and professional as you are, I would think you would surely know the difference between a response and a reaction.
A RESPONSE is thought through logically and analytically before you take action.
However, a REACTION stems from feelings and emotions.
Looking back your prior editorial as was at this one, it would appear that you navigate through your emotions, giving little to no thought as to how best to articulate what you desire to communicate.
An accurate description of what actually occurred at the last North Valley Pachydurm meeting would have been appropriate, with no spins or personal takes on the situation.
People are more inclined to pay attention when what is being said is simply facts, apart from an effort to sway things one way or another.
However, I am certain that people are accustomed to your ways of presenting situations, thus paying little attention to your…hogwash.
hsabin says
EMMA LOU – I communicate quite well as many read my posts when I send them out. You have the problem with communication EMMA not me. Emma, you don’t respond or react – you just parrot the nonsense you learn from the Birchers. You are a walking, talking trained cult member. IT is sad to see how you have changed from a woman with integrity into a JOHN Birch acolyte who obeys the commands she gets.
Lee says
So, you’d rather elect a felon with a sealed record? A con man conservative who only cares about where his next pay check is coming from and not the people of Montana? Sounds like a well thought out plan!
WMA says
Manzella is the emptess of the John Birch wing of the Republican Party here. That’s the group that’s so divisive, law enforcement had to be called to the Ravalli County Fair. The Fair. Seriously. Manzella needs to go.
Elliott EmmA says
Let’s stay focused here.
This has nothing to do with the John Birch Society.
This is about the voting records and integrity of the candidates.
I was at the fairgrounds, and I was the individual who went for law enforcement to come to intervene in a quickly escalating and tense encounter. The simple reason was because Tony Hudson had come barging onto the scene removing the paperwork from the display table, wadding them up, and throwing them into the rubbish container just outside the door. and then bligerentely sitting himself down with a chip on his shoulder, daring anyone to do anything about what he had just done. He was acting like a bully, rather like silly junior high games.
Stay focused on the election issues and NOT on things you know very little about.
He was certainly NOT behaving like as a responsible adult.