by Pat Earnest, Stevensville
As voting begins, I would like to point out a few things that I use to help me determine who to vote for. I want someone who looks to their Creator for guidance and the courage to follow their conscience. Someone who is approachable and will listen to my concerns. I look for honesty, integrity, and character. I want someone who will tell me how they hope to address concerns and if they need to study more, I want them to admit this and not simply give blanket answers that they think I want to hear. When it comes to legislation, I want them to do the hard work of researching and understanding to know how they will vote. If I don’t understand their reason for a vote, I want to be able to ask for their explanation. I don’t want someone who focuses on getting good scorecards or joins special interest groups. I want them to stand alone, work hard and do what they believe is best for those they represent. I watch as they campaign and if they attempt to win votes by attacking their opponents. When speaking to a group, they don’t read from a paper, they are knowledgeable, speak from their heart and welcome questions. This is why I am confident that voting for Wayne Rusk, Michele Binkley, David Bedey and Greg Overstreet will give our Bitterroot Valley the best representation. They are steadfast proven leaders who desire to seek God, serve us and are not doing it for fame or power.
WMA says
Thanks for confirming you will never vote for a liar like Donald Trump. VERY reassuring.
Bridget Dolan says
Keep your religious claptrap out of politics.