by Marc L. Sabin, Corvallis
It seems to me that the John Birch America First organization has plenty of money to spend on mailings and ads of all kinds. One of their most recent is entitled “The Dirty Thirty” and lists all the people they want to see reelected as committee men and women for the various precincts. It should not surprise anyone because they went to great lengths to recruit these people who would serve them as opposed to serving the citizens in those precincts.
Speaking for myself, I have not had one communication via any medium (call, email, text, letter, or personal visit) from their Precinct 12 nominees, or their predecessors, since we have lived here the past 4 years. Not exactly a robust effort to find out what the people in their precinct care about.
In fact the entire Central Committee has done little other than to demand fealty to their one-sided platform and to deny money to legitimate Republican candidates who are actually committed to serving their constituents. These people are now flooding mailboxes with a torrent of mailings, such as the recent diatribe by Mr. Kubiak attacking candidate Wayne Rusk. The mailing begins with the oft repeated lie that “-$402[sic] “…REQUIRING THAT A PERSON WHOSE *CITIZENSHIP HAS YET TO BE VERIFIED BE AOWED[sic] TO VOTE.” The typos can be attributed to shoddy work in printing and assembling the multipage mailing. But the lies and half-truths are deliberate.
For those still on the fence regarding the lack of veracity in this claim, I suggest you research the Safeguard American Voter Eligibility (SAVE) Act being developed by some honest Republicans in the US Senate and watch Senator Mike Lee’s explanation during the 12 May Sunday Morning Futures program as to why it is needed in order to remedy problems caused by the National Voter Registration Act and related federal court decisions than prevent demanding proof of citizenship when someone deceitfully checks the box for being a citizen on the voter registration form.
As to their latest fusillade, I recommend everyone only vote for those with the white oval beside their name in the mailing. They and the candidates deserving their support (e.g., Rusk, Bedey, Binkley and Overstreet) are the people who support the Constitutions (US & MT) and faithfully represent their constituents, not those recommended by “The Dirty Thirty” mailing. Those with the black oval do not deserve to be reelected and sent back to provide more of the same negligent service to constituents and Ravalli County.