by Shari Lynn Maclay, Florence
My letter is prompted by the fellow that penned a letter to the Star a few weeks ago, praising Wayne Rusk, his voting record, and telling us all that Rusk is the only clear choice in the upcoming election.
Whoa! I think he has missed some important information in arriving at this conclusion. First of all, is he aware that Wayne Rusk was bolstered in his campaign by the Convention of States Political Fund? They are a registered political PAC in the State of Michigan, with a mailing address of Washington, D.C. Why would people in Michigan, or Washington D.C. be so interested in how the vote is going to go in Montana? FYI, they made contributions to support Rusk, Ellsworth, and Fitzgerald beginning in May of 2022, which totalled $121,314.50. Wayne Rusk was the benefactor of $48,431.50 of that amount, and Jason Ellsworth’s campaign was fattened up by $45,390.50 by the same folks. The rest went to Fitzgerald’s campaign.
OK, put those facts aside for a moment, and take a look at the Legislator Ranking for House, 2023 Season (available online).
These rankings show you each individual’s loyalty to their party (more importantly, to the constituents that elected them). Wayne Rusk is rated with a D, which reflects a “weak Republican.” Check out some others as well . . . Michelle Binkley also rates a D, and Ross Fitzgerald a D. Do you understand what that means? That means that it’s quite possible these individuals have been bought and paid for with dirty money; they are RINO’s (Republicans In Name Only), voting with the Democrats.
Just this morning, the news reported, “George Soros drops $60 million into Democrats’ war chest for 2024.” He donated $125 million in the 2022 election cycle, and he recently bought up 220 radio stations so that reporting will be in lockstep, just like the mainstream media 6 o’clock news on TV. And we now know it was Mark Zuckerberg’s dirty money at work in the last election as well – tell me, why does Mark Zuckerberg have an interest in the goings on in Montana?
It always comes down to the money. If you don’t take their money, then they can’t hold anything over you – there will be no strings attached. Follow the money!
So, you might want to ruminate on these facts for a while, and see if you can come up with a reason that these individuals were supported by a political PAC from Michigan, and then when it was time to vote on important issues for the State of Montana, they voted with the Democrats. Please research the people you are entrusting our day to day lives and future with, before putting them in positions of power.