by Helen Sabin, Corvallis
The John Birchers are alive and well and doing what they do best, creating problems where none exist and making lots of noise to scare Bitterrooters, so they come out in the hundreds protesting what isn’t a problem.
Such a non-existent problem here in Ravalli was the recent election integrity effort on 2/23/2004 that resulted in over two hundred Bitterrooters showing up at a commissioners’ meeting downtown.
The Democrat faction was outside with signs demanding, “Get your hands off my ballot,” while the Birchers were upstairs frowning at many “real Republicans,” who walked by and mumbling under their breath about those they didn’t like.
What Bitterrooters need to understand is the modus operandi of the Birchers. Make a lot of noise over a problem that has already been solved to create photo ops and noise or choose a problem that probably is more than they can handle but claim they have a solution to it and run with it hoping Americans forget what the noise was all about. Then rewind and create a new noise.
Here is the solution to election integrity that gives each side a win. Do like in the last election and have machine counting of votes to get totals, and then the county clerk selects two precincts to hand count. The county clerk sees the results as to the trustworthiness of the election and announces it. “WIN – WIN” for both sides. Bitterrooters can breathe easier and feel good about their vote. No noise needs to be created again for this issue.
For Bitterrooters who do NOT know, Regina Plettenberg has created the PLATINUM STANDARD for vote counting! I know…I was on one of the counting tables! She is exacting and professional. She protects your votes like a mama bear protects her babies. She is to be thanked for being superb in her duties!
Stop fearing the myths, lies, and legends of the Birchers. Instead, send Plettenberg a big THANK YOU for making sure that Ravalli County has secure elections. If you want to be an Election Judge, call the Ravalli County Election Office at 375-6550. It’s fun! It’s patriotic! Help keep elections safe!
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