by Diane Thomas-Rupert, Stevensville
As of 05/17/2023, Tax-Exempt World lists 653 Ravalli County non-profit addresses. There are most likely around 300 of those organizations that are actively providing services within the county. That number does not include county school districts who are now also competing for charitable dollars because it seems they cannot pass their mill levees.
There must be a lot of competition for those dollars because there are ads everywhere for various fundraisers and encouragements for people to donate. “Go to the website and push donate” is a phrase we are familiar with.
The task then becomes: what more can they do with fundraisers; how do they attract more donors, etc.? The other most likely question is, are there places they can make cuts that least affect those they serve?
One non-profit that serves a very large population in Ravalli County and receives no county funds was recently chastised in the Bitterroot Star Opinion page because they will no longer be mailing their newsletter. It will instead be available on their website. The reason was explained in their last newsletter.
The non-profit that was mentioned I believe, is the only organization of its size that does not have an Executive Director. The board members of the organization have all shared in doing that job since 1972. They do it so there are more funds to care for those they serve. They have as board members made many decisions over the years, some popular, some not so much. They make the decisions they make, to provide the best care they can with what they have.
Thank you to the past and present board members who have made the difficult decisions and to all those who have helped along the way. You are all FANTASTIC!