by Ed Sperry, Col USAF (ret), Stevensville
Conservatives that believe in the lessons and accomplishments of past President Reagan should rejoice. It is now obvious that we must unite under a constructive banner. Perhaps we should adopt the banner of New Reagan Republicans. We must regain the identity of our Republican party. Some would call us RINOs, a term meaning “Republicans In Name Only.” Now it is apparent that this is a long time, well planned effort to deceive and mislead!
The garbage is being sold by the pseudo-Republican leadership of our local Ravalli County Republican Central Committee. They have admitted their loyalty to the John Birch Society. The Birchers are extremists holding tenants that are absolutely radical. It is now apparent that they are in fact the Republicans in name only. We have all witnessed the performance of their heroes Congressman Rosendale et al when they disabled the leadership of the House of Representatives. A small gang of John Birch extremists disabled our one source of influence in Washington. We all know how this playing with fire to gain power has crippled our ability to support Israel. They think nothing of joining Democrats like Senators Tester and Schumer to gain power.
I must explain my reference to Senator Tester. He is admired by many veterans for his support of earned benefits. He has done that as it costs him nothing. In the background he supports legislation that is prejudicial to everything a veteran believes in. You might recall that he supported Obama 93% while we disarmed. Until he recently decided to run again, he supported every current effort to attack our Bill of Rights
Our local members of this crowd of political activists are advancing candidates for offices across the state. Beware! They are not true conservatives! Lend your support directly to candidates who would identify with the teachings of Past Presidents Reagan and Lincoln.
Susan Rosten says
I remember Common Sense Republicans so well. I was raised by them. Thank you for restoring some of my faith. We can all be Americans and Montanans.