by Jerry Esmay, Stevensville
I’ve been warned all my life about judging something as being “common sense” when maybe it is not. A current example of this, in my opinion, is Global Warming. The liberals suggest that if we don’t do anything to control the negative effects of using fossil fuels the planet will burn up in six years. They point to the increase in fires, tornados, hurricanes and droughts as examples. Many scientists have published papers showing the correlation between the increase in the use of fossil fuels and these calamities.
I say, wait a minute. If you take time to look around, you will find many other scientists who are stating that this proposed Global Warming is not a result of the use of fossil fuels, is not happening as being pushed and is simply a “natural” cycle which has been historically repeated. They point out that, NO, fires, tornados, hurricanes and droughts are not worse than previously experienced.
If my parents were still alive, I’m sure they would agree with the drought aspect as they lived through the “dirty thirties” on a farm in South Dakota. I can vividly remember some of the stories they told of no rain, no crops, insect plagues, etc.
On the other hand, here are a few of the negative things happening in our society that are violations of common sense, in my opinion:
• We must stop using fossil fuels to combat Global Warming.
• Defunding the police will decrease crime.
• Eliminating “cash bail” for most crimes will decrease crime.
• Allowing males to use female bathrooms and compete in female sports is okay.
• We don’t need to stop the invasion at our southern border.
• Unlimited spending at the Federal government level is okay.
• Removing historical statues, and renaming schools and other institutions because they somehow have something to do with slavery is necessary. Same for making monetary payments to members of one race for what members of a different race did before the current population was born.
• Having the Federal government pay off the college loans of students is good for the economy.
• Etc.