by Helen Sabin, Corvallis
The Ravalli County Fair is for fun, frolic, and celebrating the Spirit of the West.
However, last Wednesday and Thursday, John Birch Society (JBS) members devastated this Western Spirit by displaying atrocious behavior that shocked all who were within hearing/viewing distance of them.
Two of our elected Republican representatives in the state legislature, Wayne Rusk, HD-88, and Michele Binkley, HD-85, showed up, to sit at the “Republican table” to say “Hi” to fair goers, but they were told “to leave” by the “JBS pack.”
Amazed at the rudeness from the so-called Republicans who are in the JBS pack, both representatives politely said NO. They informed the pack that the job of the Ravalli County Republican Central Committee (RCRCC) is to support Republican legislators. Blocked by this correct refusal, the “pack” huddled together to come up with a disingenuous way to chase the legislators away.
Their solution? Since the “Republican Table” belonged to the RCRCC, the pack decided to “sell” the table to the Republican Women’s Club (NFRWC). Then, the RWC, not the RCRCC, could tell the representatives to “buzz off,” as they are not a part of the RCRCC whose reason for being is to support legislators. The Republican Women’s President was part of this decision!
However, the common sense questions for anyone who knows how most groups work is this: “Do Republican Women approve of this rudeness by their President? Did the executive boards of the NFRWC and the RCRCC associations approve this sale and purchase?” Hmmm? I put in a call to Debbie Pope who is President of the Republican Women to check, but she hasn’t yet returned my phone call.
Then, on Thursday the JBS members once again were passing out JBS materials from the REPUBLICAN table, and a Republican man noticed this behavior. He wanted it stopped. A JBS male challenged the Republican man, making tempers instantly rise. Thankfully, the Sheriff was called.
For the safety of all involved, the Deputy told the entire group of JBS and their followers to pack up their belongings and leave the fair. Thank you, Deputy, for keeping the fair safe!
BACKGROUND: The JBS is a group headed by Terri and Alan Lackey of Stevensville who began the Stand Together for Freedom group. That changed into a militia, but now they have transitioned into the extreme right-wing anti-constitutional JBS.
Yes, JBS is anti-constitutional. For example, the JBS directs the 50 states to use “nullification” as the means to “control the government,” but SCOTUS has ruled against nullification. If every state in the union could say NO to any law the Federal government makes, chaos would ensue.
Unlike the JBS, our two representatives took an oath to defend and support the ENTIRE Constitution and do not pick and choose which parts they like.
Republicans in the valley must keep the party intact by contacting Don Kaltschmidt, Mt. GOP Chairperson, at 406-442-6469, or send a message to P.O. Box 935, Helena MT 59624 or lose it to the Birchers.
Call or email Terry Nelson, Ravalli County Central Committee Chairperson, at, 406-360-2941, to demand that the JBS-loaded Republican Central Committee be shut down.
Next – there must be new elections for positions in this group. However, Republicans MUST stand up and run for positions and offices in the RCRCC. Try it! Two hours a month is all that is required.
Finally, say NO to the Birchers, like they did to our elected Representatives. Let’s keep the valley Republican and Constitutional!
Gomez says
Just so we’re clear, which is the group that believes in QAnon and nutty conspiracy theories (like the election was stolen), the Republican Party or the JBS?
hsabin says
GOMEz – There is no way to answer that question as no court will hear the evidence that Trump and others dealing with election integrity have gathered. However, THREE justices on the Supreme Court did want total the case but the liberals voted them down – Golly guess why? the three were as you guessed those who want to know the correct answer – Alito, Thomas and Gorsuch.
As far a QaNON – who knows the answer to that as you do NOT know who is whom repeating stories, conspiracy theories, etc. Or who believes it or not. Look at the MEXICAn government that just saw and heard what was alien life forms in front of them – did YOU believe that?
You generalize too much thus invalidating your questions and the answer you think you want to hear. You do NOT know if Qanon is real or not, neither do I. The only way to learn is to investigate it. The Courts are too cowardly to hear the election challenge and for those of us who saw JOE BIDEN not able to get even enough people to fill 12 circles and attend his rallies that speaks volumes. When thousands of ballots are still being discovered in various states, the speaks volumes.
but TRUMP will come roaring back and when he does, the swamp will feel the sting of retribution.
You gotta have something better than this GOMEZ – try again.
Gomez says
Helen. So, you’d rather not answer the question.
I understand.
Have a nice day.
Gomez says
“The Courts are too cowardly to hear the election challenge.”
From Pulitzer Prize winning fact checkers Poltifact;
“Courts operate according to law, said Richard Pildes, a New York University law professor.
“Sometimes the law is that the person trying to bring a claim doesn’t have any legal right to do so, or that a claim that should have been brought before the election cannot be brought after the election, when everyone has voted already,” Pildes said. “That’s not because courts lack the ‘courage’ to address these cases on the merits. It’s because courts are following the law about what constitutes a valid legal claim.”
News reports and court documents show that some of the judges who dismissed Trump supporters’ post-election lawsuits considered what the plaintiffs presented as their evidence and still dismissed those challenges.
In a number of cases, the courts rejected claims “on the merits as well,” Pildes said.
In Nevada, Trump supporters sued to challenge the state’s election results and seeking an order from the court declaring Trump the winner or declaring Biden’s victory “null and void.”
Dismissing the lawsuit on Dec. 4, 2020, District Court James T. Russell wrote that the people behind it failed “to provide credible and relevant evidence” to contest the Nov. 3, 2020 election in accordance with Nevada laws.
Trump allies “did not prove under any standard of proof that illegal votes were cast and counted or legal votes were not counted at all, due to voter fraud,” Russell wrote. The contestants failed to prove that illegal votes by ineligible or deceased voters were cast and counted, he wrote.”
Helen Sabin says
Now that I have thought more about Bill’s reply and that from Gomez, it made me think that they are typical of Americans leftists/liberals/Democrats today – criticize all but their own kind. Instead of applauding the effort to denounce those who abuse their positions of “authority: or leadership” regardless of the political party or political group to which they belong, they sit quietly by and allow this abuse to happen. They are apathetic Americans – the do nothings that the Founders were so concerned about over 236 years ago. They contribute to the actions of groups such as BlM, Antifa, and others of their ilk by not raising alarm over them. They contribute to the president of the USA being corrupt and collecting millions from our “enemies” while at the same time doing as much damage as he can do while the is in office and still mentally able to agree to being an abuser. They sit by and yawn as that is their kind of leader with whom they are satisfied. I shake my head in sorrow as to how easily they allow corruption, abuse of power and position to occur and say nothing. Shame on them.
Gomez says
Helen. I vote. Every. Single. Election.
For you to bring up Antifa and BLM while you ignore the violent attack on the Capitol on 1/6 shows that you are not nearly as interested in the rule of law or preserving our democracy as you claim to be. No amount of flag waving or appeals to Jesus are going to change that. If Joe Biden, or his son have committed a crime, they should be charged. I wouldn’t lose any sleep over it and I don’t know anyone else who leans that would either. That’s because we, unlike you, believe in the rule of law.
hsabin says
GOMEZ – Please STOP with YOUR BIASED , ONE SIDED replies. Like the
Birchers, you distort the truth, ignore the many clips of the capital police LEADING people though the capital while even unlocking doors to allow them access and most egregious, ignoring the capital policeman who shot and killed an unarmed woman and is getting away with murder. Yep that sounds exactly like you.
. And I know exactly for whom you vote . Your replies clearly show the party to which you kneel and bow. You no more honor the rule of law than Biden does or you too would be screaming and yelling at the egregious actions of the Birchers and their disinformation. .
Gomez says
Helen, you didn’t answer my question. Which group is it that believes in QAnon and nutty, totally discredited conspiracy theories (like the election was stolen.)? Is that the John Birch Society, or the Republican Party?
Gomez says
What’s very telling Helen is that you attacked the award winning source (PolitiFact), but did not dispute any of their fact checking.
You are in a cult, pure and simple. One day hopefully you will see that the cult leader has been playing you all for fools.
Have a nice day.
Gomez says
From Politifact., Pulitzer prizing winning fact checkers.
Question: “Did Capitol Police let a mob of Trump supporters into the building?”
We didn’t find evidence of that. Instead, we discovered that some online video is getting misinterpreted. Many officers had to abandon their posts and barricades because they were far outnumbered and overwhelmed.
The Capitol Police’s inability to secure the U.S. Capitol or stop a mob of rioters from breaching its walls has raised a lot of questions about their security preparations, or lack thereof, for a long-planned demonstration in Washington by Trump supporters. Some commenters are even claiming that the law enforcement agency let the mob in.
Images and videos capturing the chaotic scene have spread across the internet, and a few posts on social media appear to show Capitol Police officers standing aside and letting rioters onto the grounds near the building.
In one video, a Capitol officer is seen posing for a selfie with one of the pro-Trump rioters inside. The man who shared it told PolitiFact that it happened after police managed to start herding the crowd out of the building.
Lawmakers, who are protected by the Capitol Police, are also raising questions about the law enforcement response.
“There were clearly enormous strategic and planning failures by the Capitol Police, by the Sergeant at Arms and anyone else who was a part of coordinating this effort,” Rep. Tim Ryan, D-Ohio, said at a virtual news conference Wednesday night, as Congress tried to resume counting electoral votes.
Ryan, who leads the House committee that controls the Capitol Police budget, said he was shocked by some of the images of police interactions with rioters, and would be demanding answers from Capitol Police Chief Steven A. Sund.
“Is that a training issue? I just don’t know,” Ryan said. “The Capitol is getting stormed by a mob and you’re taking selfies with, you know, the people. It’s crazy, just crazy.”
But the viral, 14-second video clip that some are using to claim that officers willingly let rioters past barricades and into the Capitol is being misrepresented online, said journalist Marcus Diapola, who shot the video.
“They definitely didn’t just open the barriers,” Diapola told PolitiFact. “The pro-Trump rioters made a fist like they were going to punch the cops, which is why I started recording. Then (police) backed off the barricades.
“They were completely outnumbered,” Diapola said. “There wouldn’t have been any point in fighting.”
hsabin says
Politifact? Some on Gomez – that’s ike putting up CNN as your source. You gotta do better than that. Try OAN, Epoch Times, Ny Post, Canadian Free Press, The Montana Free Press, Washington Times, etc. You know…real journalism?
Bill Stroud says
This is precious. Deep in the Bitterroot Jungle, National Geographic researchers have discovered a new cannibalistic species eating their own. Get the popcorn.
Quote of the year….. “Do Republican Women approve of this rudeness by their President?”
Ms Sabin, that is rich coming from you.
Hsabin says
Bill, I wonder if you would like the John Birchers passing out the material from your democratic booth? Maybe I’ll ask Terry Lackey to take some over there to the farmers markets and set them down so you can pass them out because you are virtually the same as the John Bircherss cut from the same autocratic cloth. And like the Birchers, they follow along like the lemmings.
Gomez says
Bill. Stroud. Yup, 100%. It is most entertaining.
hsabin says
Oh by the way GOMEZ – we are a constitutional republic NOT a Democracy! Go learn the difference.
Howard S. says
A constitutional republic is a form of democracy.
Some people around here (idiots) use this argument to justify their allegiance to the Republican party, as if the name of the part has any relevance to our system of government.