by Terri Lackey, Stevensville
Well, Helen, that is quite a story from someone who wasn’t even there.
To any of you critical thinking readers out there, give me a call if you want to know what really happened at the JBS booth. It was pretty uneventful as far as drama goes, and we even have people who are witness to that fact. Our booth was outside on the lawn and nowhere near the incident that happened with the Republican booth in the Commercial Building. You can confirm all this with the fairgrounds if you wish. We did, however, meet hundreds of like-minded people that have come to help save Montana from the Communist infiltration that drove them out of their state and they see it creeping in here.
The John Birch Society is not a political organization. It was started in 1958 to fight Communism! We believe our individual rights are from our Creator, not the government; that the government’s function should be limited to protecting those rights and that individual rights are inseparably linked to individual responsibility. Anyone of good character who believes that we should follow the fundamental principles that formed this great nation is welcome to become a member.
As far as The John Birch Society being unconstitutional, well, once again, you are wrong, Helen. We are currently studying “The Constitution is the Solution” to our nation’s problems, at our weekly chapter meetings. That’s a funny title for an organization that you claim is “unconstitutional.” If you would attend one of our classes, you would learn the real meaning of nullification and the true powers that SCOTUS has. The Supreme Court does NOT make laws, “Congress” does and SCOTUS is supposed to evaluate those laws to ensure they are constitutional (they are failing miserably). As an example, if the States had not used the principle of nullification, our 2nd Amendment rights would already be severely restricted.
You would also learn about the 10th Amendment; “The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.” And then Article VI, paragraph 2, states; “This Constitution, and the Laws of the United States which shall be made in Pursuance thereof; and all Treaties made, or which shall be made, under the Authority of the United States, shall be the supreme Law of the Land; and the Judges in every State shall be bound thereby, any Thing in the Constitution or Law of any State to the Contrary notwithstanding.” I do not find where SCOTUS is the Supreme Law of the Land anywhere in our founding documents. Also, Article VI states that if you are a public servant, you are bound by your oath to support and defend the Constitution.
Helen, you apparently believe that the Federal Government is the supreme power and not, “We the People.” Shame on you! That’s what people believe in Communist China!
The John Birch Society’s motto is: Limited Government; More Responsibility, and With God’s Help, A Better World!
Please join us every Monday in Victor to take your voice back and be a part of saving this great nation.
Call me for details, 406-880-2492.
hsabin says
TERRI – you need to learn the constitution and the history behind it. Keep on repeating “the tenth amendment: and you make yourself look stupid. Go read this and think SUPREMACY CLAUSE. It would be LOVELY if we could make the tenth amendment superior in law but we cannot due to rulings by SCOTUS:,States%20by%20the%20Constitution.”%20The
GO read and stop being fooled by BROWN! I THINK that if you use your brains you could be an effective “leader” in politics in the county – but now? You are simply a paid hack of the Birchers.
hsabin says
Bill and Gomez – Yeah Terri is a drama queen for sure. IF you have nothing better to do, look up the rulings from Scotus on nullification. It makes The Birchers look like fools. oh wait…if the shoe fits?
But if you two are Birchers, DUCK when Terri throws Article Vi at you instead of Article V. We gotta love small town politics don’t we? Or rather we don’t as that is why I write honest and factual op-eds. Let’s see you guys do the same. Thanks
Gomez says
“That is why I write honest and factual op-eds.”
I’ll give you this Helen, you are amusing.
I am not going to take lectures on factual op-eds from someone who believes that the 2020 election was stolen by a secret cabal of Democrats hiding in a pizza parlor basement. I mean, if I’ve misunderstood your previous comments and you’d like to take this opportunity denounce QAnon and all of it’s insane beliefs, please, by all means, here’s your chance to do so. If, however, the shoe fits, please, continue to wear it.
Have a nice day.
Hsabin says
Bill… everyone including you has to have a group by which they identify. And From all of your comments, you seem to know a lot about QAnon. And etc. I know about the Bircherss because I know Teri and Alan Lackey, Theresa Manzella, and I have seen others in the state legislature. Be her Lackey and not bother. Checking what they’re told by her about the constitution. You might try, instead of complaining or criticizing, look at the Bircherss, and what they state. they always conflate a convention of states with a constitutional convention. They are totally different in many ways. Do you know what they are?
Bill Stroud says
Hey Gomez, please pass the popcorn. Never knew that watching a snake eating it’s own tail would be so entertaining here on Earth One.
Gomez says
Bill. I’m just going to stand back and watch.
Hsabin says
Teri, your post made me laugh. It was illogical and clearly shows your personality. You realize that by denying that Penney, Debbie , and Doug are Birchers or friends of yours you just threw them under the bus. The question I have for you is how did they get the Birch materials to hand out? Did they get them from you? Did they ordered them from the birch society? And why did Penney, Debbie, and Doug and the others that were there feel they had the right to hand out the Birch materials from a Republican table? I am assuming that they are no longer Republicans. They put Birch over the GOP. And as far as you teaching the Constitution? Oh, my God. If you are using Robert Brown’s materials, you better get a good book on the Constitution, listen to his videos and write down all the errors in information and his lack of knowledge about the constitution before you try to teach it to someone or you will look damn foolish. An eighth grader could defeat Brown’s teaching in his sixth video. And you might tell him to look at the rulings from Scotus on article 6. I don’t think he has ever done that but he must learn that Scotus has said nullification is a direct violation of the Constitution and the denigration of it. No federal judge recognizes nullification. You and Brown think you’re smarter than the founding fathers and you aren’t. They put article 5 in to amend the constitution and for the people to go around Congress because they knew Congress would never propose an amendment to limit them.selves or reduce their power. Terri, you need to go to Hillsdale and take their constitution course before you try to teach others. When folks realize that you are giving them wrong information, your poor reputation will go from poor to bad. And that’s a shame. You could be doing good for yourself and the valley if you would only become aware of how foolish you were acting.
Marlin Foss says
Awesome! Powerful truth!