by Ralph Polhamus, Hamilton
Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia once said, “Words have meaning and their meaning doesn’t change.” A recent letter writer used the word “radical” and “Republicans” in the same sentence. Nothing could be further from being correct. “Radical” has always been a word denoting those on the left of the political spectrum. Merriam-Webster’s Thesaurus lists some synonyms for “radical” as: liberal, progressive, subversive, revolutionary, extremist, fanatical. The correct term for someone with decidedly right-of-center views is “reactionary.” Some synonyms listed by M-W’s Thesaurus are: conservative, right-wing, conventional, traditionalist, old-fashioned.
Using M-W’s synonyms, to which group would the following belong? Radical or reactionary.
Those who wish to de-fund the police.
A mayor who would let illegal aliens serve as police.
Anyone who does not believe in a secure southern border.
Someone who wants to ban your gas/diesel vehicle.
Someone who would ban your gas stove and water heater.
Someone who would ban your lightbulbs.
A politician who would take away a citizen’s 2nd Amendment rights.
Several writers of late have expressed their belief that Republicans are out to destroy democracy in America. Again, nothing could be farther from the truth. Radical liberals would rule by executive fiat, avoiding the checks and balances so wisely put in place by the Founding Fathers. They are the true enemies of democracy.