by Sean Malcom
The BitterRodders Car Club will be hosting the annual Rumble in the Root poker run on Saturday, September 9, 2023. The run is open to the public and benefits local charities. Organizers welcome the club and the public to a scenic drive through the Bitterroot Valley, good food, games and fun.
This year the BitterRodders hope to draw in a big crowd and are asking the public to participate. Any car, truck or motorcycle; new or old, is welcome to join in on the fun (no hot rod necessary). Everyone is welcome and encouraged to participate. There will be activities at each of the stops for all ages. The club hopes to make this year’s run the biggest yet.
The Rumble in the Root is a long-standing tradition for the BitterRodders. This year will mark the 20th anniversary of the Rod Run.
The BitterRodders Car Club is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that has a long history of giving back to the valley. Originally formed in 1998, they have been raising money for local charities through fundraisers, Show and Shine events, BBQs, brunches and much more. All proceeds from this year’s Rumble in the Root will go directly to local Bitterroot Valley charities.
This year’s stops include a drive-through at the Living Center and a stop at the NAPA in Stevensville for fun activities, as well as the Hamilton Automotive Repair, Darby Lumber for a muffler rap contest, Darby NAPA for lunch, stop on a dime (and the renowned frozen T-shirt contest), Corvallis Carquest, finally ending at The Rustic Hut in Florence for food, refreshments, dart throw, poker hands, car show, awards and a live auction.
At each stop there will be a card drawing with the best poker hands winning cash prizes of $200, $100, $50, $25 and $15. There will also be a split-the-pot 50/50 raffle.
To participate in all activities, including the giant poker run, register at KT’s Hayloft Saloon in Lolo between 8:00 and 9:30 a.m. The entry fee is $20 dollars. Participants will then drive south in any car, truck or motorcycle along with the parade of vehicles.
For more information contact John Myers at 925-783-0974 or email raceannoc1@icloud.com
The BitterRodders meet on the first Thursday of each month at 6 p.m. at BJ’s Restaurant in Hamilton.