by Marshall Bloom
Following several years of planning and work, the new West Fork River Access site was dedicated on Friday, June 30 The dedication took place at the access site, which is just across the road from the Bitterroot National Forest’s West Fork Ranger Station.
The site features an upgraded boat ramp, several accessible walking paths, and accessible picnic tables overlooking the West Fork. The project was a partnership between Bitterroot Trout Unlimited, the Bitterroot National Forest, Trapper Creek Job Corps Center, and Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks.
The project was largely conceived by BRTU as recognition for Dave Campbell, with strong support from Dave’s family. Dave, who died unexpectedly in March 2019, had retired as the West Fork District Ranger in 2013 with the distinction of being the longest serving District Ranger in Region One of the US Forest Service. Dave was widely known in the Agency for his advocacy on behalf of public process, wilderness, natural wildland fire, native species (especially fish!), and responsible recreation on the West Fork. Following his retirement, Dave joined the BRTU Board where he continued to make considerable contributions in all these areas. His advice was invariably sound and his approach always collaborative even in the face of contentious issues.
BRTU worked closely with Tanya Neidhardt at the West Fork Ranger District to develop interpretive displays (see photos) about the Native Fish species on the West Fork and to recognize Dave’s contributions.
The dedication featured remarks by current Forest Service staff followed by remarks from BRTU and Dave’s family and friends. Trapper Creek Job Corps provided some light refreshments.