Hamilton – Water Rights Claim Amendments
Notice Westside Subbasin (76HF) Water Users:
YC Properties, LLC has filed a Motion to Amend Claims 76H 147812-00 and 76H 214439-00. YC Properties, LLC seeks to amend the point of diversion for Claim 76H 214439 00 from the SWNWSE to SENWSE of Section 35, T6N, R21W, Ravalli County. YC Properties, LLC seeks to add an off-stream reservoir in the W2SE of Section 35, T6N, R21W, Ravalli County to both claims. YC Properties, LLC also seeks to modify the places of use for both claims to the W2SE of Section 35, T6N, R21W, Ravalli County.
The entirety of Claimant’s motion may be viewed on the Montana Water Court webpage at: https://courts.mt.gov/courts/water/Notices-Info/PublicNotices
In accordance with Section 85-2-233(6), MCA, any response or objection to the YC Properties LLC’s
Motion to Amend claims 76H 147812-00 and 76H 214439-00 must be filed with the Montana Water
Court within 45 days of the last publication of this notice, or August 5, 2023. Please indicate “CASE
76HF-6002-P-2023” on any response, objection, or other correspondence regarding this Motion to Amend.
BS 6-7, 6-14, 6-21-23.