by David Leslie, Corvallis
I attended the election integrity meeting Monday night June 5th. Although, I confess I didn’t last until the “bitter” end.
Today I write to my MAGA friends, neighbors and fellow citizens: It’s never too late to say “I’m smarter than a whack-a-doodle.” This is a great opportunity to revisit your reputation. For several reasons.
First, all of the recommendations of this group are based upon questionable analysis, unsubstantiated by outside reputable statisticians. Neither was it mentioned that Doug Frank’s work has been discredited by a Stanford University researcher. Nor was the work offered to Ravalli County in order to conduct their own review. Moreover, notice that no opportunity for rebuttal was allowed in the meeting.
Secondly, Mrs. Rectenwald’s presentation was nothing more than innuendo, speculation, trying to connect apples and chocolate pies, all done with the seemingly innocent “I’m just asking?…” This was classic gas-lighting, “creating a problem” where there is none. It is a proven tactic intended to play on our gullibility and our unwillingness to think for ourselves.
And finally, consider motive and intention for a moment. In spite of their public words to the contrary, their slides and their recommendations, on top of their tone and manner, all signal divisiveness and foment mistrust.
If they cared about improving our system of voting, they would also be talking about ways to get more citizens to vote, making voting easier for all voters, recommending ways to get to dependable results faster, and how to increase voter confidence in a central tenet of our democratic republic.
So think about it. How you come down on this reflects on you.
Gomez says
For some, pandering to the conspiracy crowd has become a cottage industry. It’s a way of making a bit of a by living telling people what they want to hear, no matter how untrue, ridiculous or unsubstantiated it might be. Throw in a little extra income on top of their speaking fees through t shirt, hat, DVD & book sales and it probably adds up to some sort of living. And of course, there’s the ego boost that they get too because they get to feel “special” because they know something that the “sheeple” don’t. You see the same sort of thing at UFO & Bigfoot conventions. It’s a way of them feeling in control in a world that is often very much out of their control or even their understanding.