by Carol Peterson, Corvallis
The Corvallis School District #1 is proud to make the last payment on the REA property that the taxpayers approved to buy five years ago. This has been a great purchase that has enabled the school district to expand their softball facilities, own the playground that they have been leasing, own several nice buildings for our administration and transportation departments. This is a $345,000 bond that will not be on your taxes next year. Thank you for your support.
You will receive a ballot this month asking for you to support our school with a $300,000 operational levy. It has been 11 years since a Corvallis Operational Levy has passed. We all know that inflation is upon us and Corvallis needs to increase salaries, pay for fuel for the buses, and pay for supplies. The Corvallis School has a lot of great programs, such as the Orchestra, Band, Choirs, Softball, Track, Baseball, FFA, Basketball, Volleyball, Speech, Debate, Football, Science Olympiad, Spelling Bees, Dances, Job Fairs, and Carnivals. We hope that you have had a chance to enjoy some of the sports competitions, concerts, listen to a grandchild read and other activities.