by James (Jim) L. Thomas, Corvallis
Three years ago, I called to find out why my homeowner taxes had raised 10% (9.7%). The nice lady at the County Assessor didn’t know, but she went to find out. She came back and said it was because the Corvallis School District had bought the old REA real estate property ($3XX,XXX). That levy would be for the next three years.
This year, I called to see if, IF there would be a 10% “decrease.” The property purchase is (supposed to) be completed… but, BUT the Corvallis School District now wants a NEW LEVY for $3XX,XXX. If approved there would be NO decrease. AND, this new levy would be FOREVER.
Years ago when I was at school (as a student), the history teacher taught us something about a “Tea Party.” Some guys (and gals?) dumped a lot of tea into the Bitterroot River, polluting the water, and a bunch of trout died (I’m not sure of all the facts; it’s been years since I was a student).
ANOTHER TAX LEVY? A TAX FOREVER? No, NO, NO! The Ravalli County Assessor gave us a pie chart of our home tax bill. Corvallis School District amounts to 56%; the other amounts were Ravalli County about +27%, and other Miscellaneous +16%. 56%!
Another $3XX,XXX tax levy, forever? No! No way! Vote, but VOTE NO!