by Dana Gentry, Corvallis
Should noncitizens be allowed to vote? That seems to be the question before us in HB 402. Although it’s a bit vague, it clearly references noncitizens voting by line 13-16 of the bill, “requiring an applicant’s registration to be accepted and processed while citizenship verification is pending; and allowing a person whose registration has been accepted and processed to vote while citizenship verification is pending” (meaning they are a noncitizen at the time they vote).
In both the U.S. Constitution in Amendment XIV section 2 and the Montana Constitution in Article IV section 2, an elector must be a citizen in order to vote. As a matter of fact, in the Montana Code Annotated (the election law), 13-2-206 “Citizenship requirements: A person may not be permitted to register until the person attains United States citizenship.”
I did some research on the laws that Rep. Bedey referenced in his editorial and indeed the Federal law allows for the exemptions in this bill for all Federal Elections. When the Congress passed it and the Federal Courts upheld it, were they not thinking of their oath of office to uphold the Constitution? Seems obvious that voting rights are reserved for citizens only.
Now this becomes a moral/ethical issue. Should our State go against our constitution in order to catch the noncitizens who vote as the sponsors claim, or codify an unconstitutional law? I vote to take the high road and find another way to ‘catch’ those trying to defraud our system.
Helen Sabin says
OOPw – the 402 bill is correct as Gentry says. But the Montana Supreme Court struck down the regulations for voting that were common sense and put into effect at the last session of the legislature. Let’s throw out all the liberal justices on that court and put in ones that will honor the right to vote and get rid of same day registration, mail in voting except for those that really need it, give military ballots time to make their way back to the USA, and make folks produce ID that proves they are a citizen.
helen sabin says
I looked up HB402 and it pertains to pests…not education. What is the correct bill?
hsabin says
NOPE wrong year. SORRY!